Fu-shan is a legendary force affinity champion from the Lizard Men faction in Raid Shadow Legends. His speed aura makes him a useful champion in an array of different content types and battles. With his A2 AOE stun ability making him one of the best champions to use for controlling waves and enabling efficient wave clears. For this reason, if you intend to use Fu-shan long term, its highly recommended to book out his A2 skill. Furthermore, boosting his speed and accuracy is just as important to ensure he can land these debuffs.
Fu-shan Stats Overview
- Faction: Lizard Men
- Type: Attack
- Affinity: Force
- Rarity: Legendary
- HP: 16680
- Attack: 1443
- Defense: 1024
- Critical Rate: 15
- Critical Damage: 63
- Speed: 106
- Resistance: 30
- Accuracy: 0
- Aura: Increase Ally SPD in by 24
- Books to Max Skills: 11
Fu-shan Skills Overview
A1: Howl
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 25% chance of placing an extra hit.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +5%
- Level 3: Damage +5%
- Level 4: Damage +15%
A2: Frightful Claws
Attacks all enemies 2 times. Each hit has a 20% chance of placing a [Stun] debuff for 1 turn.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +10%
- Level 3: Damage +15%
- Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
- Level 5: Cooldown -1
A3: Shred
Attacks 4 times at random. Each hit has a 50% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +10%
- Level 3: Cooldown -1
- Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +25%
- Level 5: Cooldown -1
Fu-Shan Unkillable Clan Boss Team
Fu-Shan is a Force affinity Legendary Champion in the Lizardmen faction that is very versatile as he can be used in almost all areas of the game. He is an ATK based champion with good damage multipliers allowing him to hit hard.
He has a high chance to place 60% Decrease Defense on multiple targets and can AOE stun. His A1 hits hard and Fu-Shan has a 25% chance to perform his A1 again that stacks continuously allowing him to use A1 on a target multiple times if you’re lucky. This can rack up a ton of damage over time. He also has an extremely useful 24% Speed Aura for all battles.
If you are using him, booking him is highly recommended as it improves his performance tremendously. Both his abilities can be lowered to 3 turns CD, the debuff chance and damage increases significantly with books.
For a Clan Boss unkillable team Offense Tree is the golden rule. The standard Crit Rate, Crit Damage, damage increasing Masteries down to T6 Warmaster is selected for the usual CB champions in the Offense Tree. For the other tree, the choice depends on the gear and the set you use on him.
In this guide, Retaliation set is used that gives him a chance to counterattack so the Support tree was chosen. The accuracy Masteries are selected, avoiding the TM boosting masteries, down to Lore of Steel for more stats and the T5 Sniper mastery to increase the chance to place Decrease Defense and Master Hexer to improve the Decrease Defense debuff duration.
If you are unable to gear Fu-shan in a Retaliation set, Defense Tree is recommended instead with the T5 Retribution Mastery for a chance to counterattack.
Gear & Stats Build
In an Unkillable Team (without a Counterattack champion), Retaliation Set on Fu-shan is highly recommended. Most of his damage comes from his A1 and giving him the opportunity to use his A1 as much as possible improves his damage tremendously.
The Retaliation set synergizes extremely well as the set gives a 35% chance to counterattack when hit and it works with EACH hit, so when the CB does his AOE with multiple hits (i.e on affinity, his AOE does 2 hits and 4 hits respectively), each of those hits can trigger the CA but you can still only CA once. You can use any other secondary set to meet your needed stats but I highly recommend Cruel set to optimized damage.
The stats to aim for are Crit Rate, Crit Damage, Attack, Accuracy and the speed to match your speedtune. Note that Fu-shan has a 24% all battle Speed Aura which works on Clan Boss. This means that if you use Fu-shan as the lead, you can reduce the speed requirement of your entire CB team which allows you to gear them much better for damage. Also note that the aura only affects the base speed stat, not the total.
Recommended Main Stats
- Glove: Crit Damage %
- Chest: Attack %
- Boots: Attack %
- Ring: Attack
- Amulet: Crit Damage
- Banner: Attack/Accuracy
Team Composition
This is an Unkillable UNM team that is built specifically to take advantage of Fu-shan’s Speed Aura. Every champion has speeds that are lower that the required speed on their stat page, but in battle with the Speed aura, they are able to hit the required speed.
The speed settings used for this team are:
- 196 Maneater (219 after speed aura)
- 191 Maneater (214 after speed aura)
- 149 Kreela (172 after speed aura)
- 148 Longbeard (171 after speed aura)
- 134 Fu-shan (159 after speed aura)
The is a team combination that takes advantage of Fu-shan and Kreela that provide Speed Aura and increase Crit Rate buff for the team. This allows everyone in this team to be built much better with the reduced stat requirement (Less speed and only 70% crit rate). This team has Decrease Defense from Fu-shan, Weaken from Longbeard, and double ally attack to take advantage of everyone’s hard hitting A1, especially Fu-shan’s. Two Maneaters provide permanent Block Debuffs and Unkillable.
Fu-Shan standard Clan Boss Team
For a standard Clan Boss team, Fu-shan needs to be built differently with different masteries.
The first mastery tree is the usual suspect – the Offense Tree. The standard Crit Rate, Crit Damage, damage increasing Masteries down to T6 Warmaster is selected.
For the second tree, Defense tree is recommended instead of support for more survivability since lasting longer is much more important in standard CB teams. The key masteries to take are Blastproof and Delayed Death for damage mitigation and the Retribution and Deterrence T5 Mastery for counterattack.
Gear & Stats Build
Lifesteal set is a must for non-unkillable teams unless you have a Leech in the team. Prioritize building Fu-shan with Defense rather than Attack. Ideally want at least 3000 Defense for UNM, 2500 for NM with enough speed to match your CB speed tune. If you need him to place Decrease Defense, then 220-250 accuracy is needed. Aim for 100% Crit Rate and as much Attack and Crit Damage as possible after you hit the necessary Def, Speed, and accuracy numbers (if you need it).
All of Fu-shan’s damage are from his raw hits, he has no poisons, so he still needs Attack to actually deal damage. At least 3500 attack is recommended for Fu-shan to have an impact. You can then use any 2-piece set to achieve the desired stat. Speed Offense, Cruel, etc.
Since Defense is more important, I do not recommend using his Speed Aura as your lead (unless you have no other options), and use a Defense Aura instead. This means you need to build the necessary speed for your entire team.
Recommended Main Stats
- Glove: Crit Rate/Crit Damage/Def %
- Chest: Def %
- Boots: Speed / Def %
- Ring: Defense
- Amulet: Defense / Crit Damage
- Banner: Accuracy
Team Composition
The example below shows an example of a Standard Counterattack Clan Boss team with Fu-Shan as the a DPS without any poisoner. The run unfortunately ended early due to Sepulcher missing the Decrease Attack Debuff on the Clan Boss.
Fu-shan does almost as much damage as Rhazin even though he had to be built defensively. It is worth noting that using an Attack-based champion like Fu-shan for a standard Clan Boss team is not ideal. Especially for Fu-shan all of his damage comes from his raw hits, so it is very difficult to build him defensively while maintaining a relevant enough attack to do damage. However, this team still comfortably hit the 3 Key UNM threshold despite ending early.
The champions used and their speeds are as follow:
- Sepulcher Sentinel 227 – Atk Down debuff, Block Debuffs block Stun
- Kreela 174 – Increase Attack, Increase Crit Rate, Ally Attack
- Rhazin 175 –Decrease Def, Weaken, Ally Attack
- Fu-shan 173 –DPS
- Skullcrusher 171 – Counterattack, Ally Protection
Fu-Shan Dungeon & General PVE Build
The Fu-Shan mastiries you’ve seen on the previous section for the Unkillable CB team can be used for dungeons and general purpose as well. He can perform his duties just as well in that type of content, although better results can be achieved by having different types of equipment.
If you are using him, booking him is highly recommended as it improves his performance tremendously. Both his abilities can be lowered to 3 turns CD, the debuff chance and damage increases significantly with books.
The standard Crit Rate, Crit Damage, damage increasing Masteries down to T6 Warmaster is selected for the usual CB champions in the Offense Tree. If you are using him outside of Clan Boss you can also opt in for Flawless Execution or Helmsmasher if your Crit Rate and Crit Damage are sufficient (100% and 220%+ respectively).
The accuracy Masteries are selected, avoiding the TM boosting masteries, down to Lore of Steel for more stats and the T5 Sniper mastery to increase the chance to place Decrease Defense and Master Hexer to improve the Decrease Defense debuff duration. Defense Tree can be picked if your Fu-Shan doesn’t survive in the dungeons. Fu-Shan is flexible in terms of masteries and gear for this type of content.
Another general build that saw some use should be mentioned. Fu-Shan in a stun set with Fearsome Presence was an option that is used rarely. However, generally it seems this was too much focus on stuns and this type of build has faded out, especially with the prevalence of block debuffs in the Platinum Arena metagame and the lack of need for this in the dungeons.
Gear & Stats Build
For Ice Golem, the run is almost identical to Dragon. There are a couple of differences though. For this run, the 2nd wave has Seekers that place Increase Defense after the buff strip, which actually means that you may not 1 shot that wave. For this reason, Lydia is highly recommended as the addition of Weaken compared to Tomb Lord will mean you can instantly kill that wave. However, even if the wave survives it won’t have much health so its not a massive time loss.
The other thing to consider is how to deal with the boss. In this case, we are using Bad-El-Kazar as he has been setup to be tanky and fast, to make sure he can solo the boss. Due to how this team is set up, we want everyone else to die when they get to the boss as that means the boss will take more turns, and die to Poisons much faster.
Recommended Main Stats
- Glove: Crit Damage/Crit Rate
- Chest: Attack %
- Boots: Speed
- Ring: Attack
- Amulet: Crit Damage
- Banner: Attack/Accuracy
Dragon 20
Fu-shan is an incredibly strong champion for Dungeon progression. He offers DPS to nuke the waves, control with his AOE stuns, and can place Decrease Defense as a backup. Additionally, he has the speed aura that boosts your entire team’s speed.
Team Build
- Gorgorab for Increase Attack buff.
- Scyl for healing and CC.
- Zargala for Decrease Defense.
- Kael for Poisons against the Dragon.
- Fushan as DPS, stun control, and backup Decrease Defense.
Fu-Shan Late Game+ Arena Guide
Fu-shan can be a strong Arena Nuker with his solid damage multipliers, multi-hit AOE that is useful against Rotos, and may even stun the enemy. Overall he has potential for Gold IV and low Platinum. He gets outclassed by other pure damage dealers and due to the prevalence of block debuffs at the top.
For Arena the Offense and Defense Tree masteries are recommended. In the Offense tree, take the Crit Rate, Crit Damage, Arena damage increasing masteries like Heart of Glory, Ruthless Ambush, and Opportunist since he can place stuns down to T6 Helmsmasher for a chance to ignore Defense.
In the Defense tree, Defiant is selected to take Improved Parry to reduce critical hits, into Bloodthirst, Delayed Death, and Harvest Despair since he can stun. Both of the Counterattack masteries are selected for T5.
Gear & Stats Build
The best set for Arena nukers are Savage and Cruel. Fu-shan needs 100% Crit Rate with as much Attack and Crit Damage as possible with enough speed to match your team so your turn sequence doesn’t get cut into. Accuracy is not necessary but can be useful as stuns are a very strong debuff to apply to your opponent and can just win you the match.
Ideally at least 4k Attack, 100% Crit Rate, 200%+ Crit Damage, and 200+ Speed are watned. Accuracy of 200+ should be enough to stun most TM boosters, Debuffers, or Nukers since those champions are not usually built with high resistance but 200 Accuracy is definitely not enough against high resistance teams. Remember that his main purpose is to nuke, stunning the enemy is secondary and a nice bonus if it happens.
Recommended Main Stats
- Glove: Crit Damage
- Chest: Attack %
- Boots: Speed
- Ring: Attack
- Amulet: Crit Damage
- Banner: Attack
Team Composition
Fu-shan can be a decent Arena Nuker if you don’t have any dedicated Arena Nuker. He has solid damage multipliers, multi-hit AOE that is needed against Rotos who has a passive that prevents him from taking more than 50% of his HP in damage per hit and may even stun the enemies.
Fu-Shan also has a 24% speed aura that can be used in Arena especially if you don’t have an Arbiter yet.
Team Build
- Arbiter for TM Boost and Increase Attack
- Lyssandra for a second TM Boost
- Madame Serris to remove buffs and place Decrease Defense
- Fu-shan to nuke in Gold 4 Arena.
Since Fu-shan is Force Affinity, you have to watch out when facing Duchess Lilitu. There is a significant chance of weak hitting her due to negative affinity and she lowers the AOE damage you do. If you fail to kill her, she can revive her team and quickly turn the fight against you.
Fu-Shan Solo Dragon 20 Guide
Another unique use for Fu-shan is that he can built to Solo Dragon 20. Fu-shan is one of the few champions in the game that can do so efficiently. The solo Dragon 20 build is slightly different from the previous builds shown in this guide and the following masteries are crucial to solo Dragon 20:
In the Offense tree, take the standard Crit Rate, Crit Damage masteries and Grim Resolve since Fu-shan will always be below 50% health when he attacks. Then take all the left most Offense Masteries to increase damage all the way down to T6 Warmaster. Lifedrinker is important to lifesteal, Wrath of the Slain to increase damage when your food dies, and Killstreak to increase damage as he kills the mobs.
Defense Tree is very important to take. The damage mitigation masteries in Blastproof and Delayed Death are important to survive the Dragon long enough to kill it. Resurgent gives you a chance to remove the stuns placed and Retribution for a chance to counterattack.
Gear & Stats Build
Lifesteal set is a must to solo Dragon 20. This build can be quite difficult to make as it requires quite a lot of stats and good gear to achieve. You need to first achieve at least 260+ Resistance to reliably resist all debuffs, 220+ Accuracy to place debuffs, and 200+ speed to go two turns against the mob and Dragon.
Aim for at least 3.5k Attack, 85% Crit rate (since he is force affinity and gains bonus 15% crit rate against magic affinity enemies), and 200%+ Crit damage. You still need to do enough damage to kill the Dragon in time before it ramps up and one-shots you. These numbers are sufficient to achieve stable runs. You can use any other sets for your final two-piece to achieve the needed stats.
Recommended Main Stats
- Glove: Crit Damage
- Chest: Resistance/Accuracy
- Boots: Speed
- Ring: Attack
- Amulet: Crit Damage
- Banner: Resistance/Accuracy
Fu-Shan Late Game+ Dungeon Runs
Fire Knight 20
Fu-shan a strong champion for Fire Knight. He can be part of end-game sub 1 min Fire Knight 20 runs.
Team Build
- Gorgorab for Increase Attack and TM boost.
- Stag Knight for Decrease Def, Decrease Attack and Decrease Speed.
- x2 Coldheart for their famous utility of multi-hit to break the shield and Heartseeker for the Max Hp nuke.
- Fu-shan for AOE wave clear, multi-hit A3 to break the shield and place Decrease Def, and A1 that occasionally does a ton of DPS against the boss or break the shield.
Spider 19
Due to negative affinity, Fu-shan cannot be reliably used in Spider 20. However, he is quite effective in helping you clear Spider 19 for your mission. He is the counterpart to Scyl for Spider 19. Since Scyl is bad affinity here, her AOE stuns is not reliable but Fu-shan has the same AOE stun ability to control the spiderlings.
He also provides a Speed Aura and Decrease Def (it is random, but the first hit always targets the boss). He also deals significant amount of damage to kill of the spiderlings in a couple of AOEs.
Team Build
- Fu-shan is paired with a Psylar in stun set to control the spiderlings.
- Armiger and Coldheart provide the TM control on the main spider and Max HP nukes.
- Apothecary supports the team with Increase Speed, TM, and is the off-affinity tank.