Kalvalax is a legendary spirit affinity champion from the Knights Revenant faction in Raid Shadow Legends. His kit is poison focused and helps maximise the amount of poison the champion can lay out, along with the amount of damage it can do. This champion has the ability to start a battle with 4 poisons which can be extremely strong, especially in poison explosion teams. His A1 allows poisons to be extended, his A2 and A3 provide significantly high damage output on a variety of targets. Kalvalaxs A3 ability operates similar to that of Dracomorph. This guide will include a full setup guide including masteries, gear and more. With an in-depth look into team compositions for general PVE such as dungeon raids.
Kalvalax Stats Overview

- Faction: Knights Revenant
- Type: Attack
- Affinity: Spirit
- Rarity: Legendary
- HP: 12720
- Attack: 1663
- Defense: 1068
- Critical Rate: 15
- Critical Damage: 63
- Speed: 99
- Resistance: 30
- Accuracy: 10
- Aura: Increase Ally SPD in by 19
- Books to Max Skills: 12
Kalvalax Skills Overview

A1: Oozing Greatsword
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 40% chance of increasing the duration of all [Poison] debuffs on the target by 1 turn. Heals this Champion by 2.5% of their MAX HP for each [Poison] debuff on the target.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +5%
- Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
- Level 4: Damage +10%
- Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%

A2: Corruption Locus
Attacks 1 enemy. Places an extra hit for each [Poison] debuff on the target (up to 3 extra hits).
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +5%
- Level 3: Damage +5%
- Level 4: Damage +10%
- Level 5: Damage +10%

A3: Storm of Vitriol
Attacks all enemies. Damage increases according to the number of [Poison] debuffs on each target.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +5%
- Level 3: Damage +5%
- Level 4: Damage +10%
- Level 5: Damage +10%
![Pestilence-P Pestilence [P]](https://www.gamingelephant.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Pestilence-P.png)
A4: Pestilence [P]
Places four 5% [Poison] debuffs on all enemies for 2 turns at the start of each round. Has a 50% chance of placing a 5% [Poison] debuff on all enemies for 1 turn at the start of each turn. Whenever an enemy places a [Poison] debuff on this Champion, instantly removes it and replaces it with a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff for 2 turns instead.
Upgrades as follows:
- No books needed.
Kalvalax End Game Guide
Kalvalax can be useful for dealing some AOE damage based on Poison effects as well. This build showcases his potential as a conditional DPS champion.
In this Kalvalax build, we utilize his A3 and his Passive. If you’re familiar with royal guards Takedown skill, then Kalvalax’s A3 does the same thing, it does damage based on enemy max HP.
For Kalvalax max HP skill to do same damage as Royal Guard’s MAX HP Skill, we need 10 Poisons on the enemies (usually 5 stacks of 2 turns each). For this skill to do even more damage, we will also go down the Offense Tree to Helmsmasher (Flawless Execution is also a fine option). We will also go down the Support Tree and pick up any masteries that grant more accuracy along the way to Master Hexer (this mastery has a 30% to extend a debuff, which means an extra stack of poison and it will allow Kalvalax to do even more damage).

Gear & Stats Build
The best set for DPS champions is Savage + either Cruel or Crit Damage set.
Since the damage skill we’re using in this dungeon scales based on enemy MAXP HP, ignore DEF and Crit Damage provide the best way to boost the damage multiplier. Even though Kalvalax A3 has an attack multiplier, the multiplier is small compared to the enemy MAX HP multipler. So we do not need to have any attack in this build. For example, a flat Defense chest with a lot of Crit Rate and Damage substats can be used instead of an attack % chest and the same goes for the boots. For level 20 dungeons, about 220 accuracy is more than enough.
Recommended Main Stats
- Gloves: Crit Damage
- Chest: Any
- Boots: Any
- Ring: Any
- Amulet: Crit Damage
- Banner: Any

Dungeon Runs
Spider 20
The team that’s showcased here is 2x Kalvalax, Baron, Royal Guard and Elenaril. The order of the team is:
- Battle starts, both Kalvalax will place Poisons on the enemies via their Passive.
- Baron uses A2 (guaranteed defense down, ghostborn can be used here for the same purposes). Baron and Ghostborn are the only 2 champions with guaranteed decrease Defense and are unaffected by possible chance not to place debuffs.
- Both Kalvalax use their A3 to nuke the enemies.
- Royal Guard will use his Max HP Nuke as well. Interchangeable with Step 3.
- Elenaril uses her poison explosion to pop all poisons and kill the boss.
This strategy doesn’t require Defence Down, Weaken or Poison Sensitivity as those debuffs don’t seem to increase the Explosion damage. This is a 100% winrate spider 20 auto team.

Dragon 20
Kalvalax can be used to setup Poison Burst explosions in a fast and efficient manner and provides a viable alternative to wave clears in end game to champions like Seer should you have the champions to make it work. The team you should use features the following champions:
- Zavia for ATK Aura, Poison application and explosions.
- Elenaril for the second wave Poison explosion. Can be replaced with a refresh skills champion like Kymar or Renegade, but this slows down runs.
- Two Kalvalax for Poison application. Can be built on a budget with only Accuracy or for DPS as covered on the previous guide pages.
- Ninja for fast boss farming that doesn’t include poisons.

Dragon 25
While Dragon 25 has a passive that prevents MAX HP skills from being as efficient as the Dungeons on 20 and below, Kalvalax can still be used to setup Poison Burst explosions in a fast an efficient manner and provides a viable alternative to wave clears in end game to champions like Seer should you have the champions to make it work. A strong team for dragon 25 consists of:
- Zavia for ATK Aura, Poison application and explosions.
- Elenaril for the second wave Poison explosion. Can be replaced with a refresh skills champion like Kymar or Renegade, but this slows down runs.
- Two Kalvalax for Poison application. Can be built on a budget with only Accuracy or for DPS as covered in the previous section.
- Ninja for fast boss farming that doesn’t include poisons.
Kalavax helps the team clear the waves super fast and offer some valuable damage on the boss itself. Zavia and Elenaril can be replaced by 2x Zavia or 2x Elenaril, alternatively, Kymar can replace 1 of them to get to the same result. In this team, Ninja can be replaced by anyone who can solo the dragon. A few options are Bad-el-Kazar, Richtoff and Urogrim. This is a 100% auto-friendly and reliable team.

Ice Golem 20
The same king of team can be used for farming Ice Golem 20. Poisons are one of the best ways of handling the boss, so in this case the team consists of:
- Zavia for ATK Aura, Poison application and explosions.
- Elenaril for the second wave Poison explosion. Can be replaced with a refresh skills champion like Kymar or Renegade, but this slows down runs.
- Two Kalvalax for Poison application. Can be built on a budget with only Accuracy or for DPS as covered in the previous section.
- Urogrim is able to solo the boss with his kit after the rest of the team dies to prevent wasting time from their survival.