Ronda is a Legendary champion that many newcomers to Raid had gotten by logging into Raid Shadow Legends for 7 days between 30/11/2022 – 20/01/2023. Ronda had been added to the game as a collaboration with Ronda Rousey who is an American professional wrestler, actress, former judoka and mixed martial artist! But in Raid she is a true legend of the Arena City of Velyzar.
Ronda is the second champion in raid to be able to block passive skills, second only to Ramantu. Her damage is strong across the board on a number of her abilities, but does not join the tier achievable by champions such as Trunda, Hephraak or Baron. Although, for early game accounts she does hit significantly harder than other popular options such as Kael.
Ronda Stats Overview

- Faction: Banner Lords
- Type: Attack
- Affinity: Magic
- Rarity: Legendary
- HP: 14,865
- Attack: 1,542
- Defense: 1,046
- Critical Rate: 15
- Critical Damage: 63
- Speed: 101
- Resistance: 40
- Accuracy: 0
- Aura: Increase Ally ATK in by 30
- Books to Max Skills: 10
Ronda Skills Overview

A1: Flaming Flurry
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Places an extra hit if the target has less than 50% HP after the third hit. Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +5%
- Level 3: Damage +5%
- Level 4 Damage +5%
- Level 5 Damage +5%

A2: Phase Rushdown
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Will ignore [Shield] buffs and 30% of the target’s DEF. Places a [Block Passive Skills] debuff for 2 turns before attacking. This debuff cannot be resisted. Also places a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns after attacking. This debuff cannot be resisted.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +10%
- Level 3: Damage +10%
- Level 4: Cooldown -1

A3: Fury Tremor
Attacks all enemies 2 times. Damage increases by 30% if this Champion has more than 50% HP. It’s Passive Effect allows immunity to Turn Meter reduction effects when this skill is not on cooldown. Decreases all Turn Meter reduction effects used against this Champion by 50% when this skill is on cooldown.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +10%
- Level 3: Damage +10%
- Level 4: Cooldown -1

A4: In your Corner
Has a 15% chance to join an attack whenever an ally attacks an enemy. This Champion will attack with their default skill. Additionally, at the start of each Round, places a [Shield] buff on this Champion for 2 turns equal to 40% of their MAX HP.
Upgrades as follows:
- No books needed.
Ronda Mid Game Guide
It’s worth noting right away that the champion is good and has useful skills, both at the beginning and later on in the game. However, it’s not worth making her the first lvl 60 champion. Ronda have high CD on AOE attack and takes a long time to farm 12-3 brutal unlike Starter rare champions. Additionally, booking and ascending a Legendary champion requires much more resources.
We will look at what Ronda is capable of and where it can come in handy in the mid+ and early late game. The emphasis will be on PvE content, although she can work in Arena as well. It’s not always viable to make a champion work well everywhere. However, for beginner raiders there is often a small pool of champions and they are forced to adapt champions and make them as versatile as possible. Ronda is not booked for this guide to showcase her on a budget.
When your collection is large enough to give Rhonda specialization, you will decide for yourself whether she will be the storm of the PvE content and the horror of the Clan Boss or the Arena champion.
In terms of masteries Offense with Giant Slayer T6 due to 3 hit A1 is chosen to increase the damage against Clan Boss and the rest of the Dungeon Bosses. The second branch is Defence because Support dont give us any significant benefit. Two more T5 Masteries can be avoided to save you energy, but if you interested in the full tree then Retribution in Defence its very good choice with Methodical in Offence to increase your damage on Clan Boss.

Gear & Stats Build
Maximum versatility can be achieved in early and midgame with a Lifesteal set. Any other secondary set can be used to get the necessary stats, in this case Crit Rate because we use Crit Damage gloves due to high Arena level in guide. For lower tier Arena you can use Crit Rate gloves and this will enough.
Ronda is an Attack-based champion and has low Health and Defense values that make her vulnerable in midgame onwards.
In order to maintain a balance between attacking and defensive stats, using a chest for ATK% and a ring and a banner for HP or DEF is recommended. In substats look for Crit rate, Defense, Health and Atk. We need the correct speed that depends on your team on the Сlan Boss as well. In this guide the team with strict move order on the NM difficulty is used and in this case Ronda’s speed should be 170-180. Accuracy and Resistance do not interest us.
A fairly budget variant is showcased in the guide with approximate stats that can be achieved by an ordinary player. She wasn’t ascended to 6 stars as few early game players would have a banner for her, but if you can do it Ronda will perform even better.
Main Stats
- Gloves – Crit Damage if you can get 100% Сrit rate in substats, if not – use Crit rate gloves main stat;
- Chest – ATK%;
- Boots – Speed.
- Attributes can be whatever they are, but if possible, these are better:
- Ring – HP/ DEF;
- Amulet – Crit damage;
- Banner – HP/ DEF.

Clan Boss Team
Here is an example of a fairly budget team of a 4:3 Counterattack team to 2-key NM and 4-key UNM Clan Boss. The main advantage of this team is the Block Debuff buff before the second AOE and the stun. This makes this team 100% affinity friendly. The team lineup and speed setup is as follows:
- Sepulcher Sentinel with 238 speed, Lifesteal+Speed sets, WM T6, for ATK Decreace debuff also Increase DEF plus Block Debuffs buffs.
- Skullcrusher with 191 speed, Lifesteal+Immortal sets, WM T6, for Counterattack and Ally Protection buffs.
- Ronda with 174 speed, Lifesteal+Crit Rate sets, GS T6, for dps.
- Frozen Banshee with 176 speed, Lifesteal set, WM T6, for Poisons.
- Fayne with 173 speed, Lifesteal + Immortal sets, WM T6, for Decrease ATK, Def plus Weaken debuffs and some Poisons.
The speed tune is such that Sepulcher Sentinel moves 4 times in 3 turns of the Boss, which allows you to loop her skill with a DEF Up and Block Debuffs buff that has a 4 turn cooldown.
Unfortunately, this team does not start on auto, you need to make several moves manually, but Ronda showcases good damage given that she has no poisons. Thanks to her passive, she has a chance to join an ally’s attack that significantly increases her damage. Furthermore, if the boss has less than 50% hp, she will attack four times instead of three.

Dragon 20 Team
Ronda can work decently well in dungeons. In general, Ronda’s main task will be to deal damage on the waves, as well as help the team defeat the boss. Since she has no useful debuffs, she cannot help with anything else. Although our build implies a slight increase in Ronda’s HP and DEF, it’s still better to play it safe and bring a reviver onboard. Here is an example budget composition for Dragon 20:
- Apothecary for SPD buff and healing;
- Warmaiden for AOE Decrease DEF debuff;
- Ronda for dps;
- Broadmaw for revive and useful buffs;
- Frozen Banshee to quickly kill the Dragon with Poisons.

Ice Golem 20 Team
In the Ice Golem’s Peak we Ronda has the same job, deal damage on the waves, and on the boss helps kill minions faster when joining an attack. It is worth noting the acute moments when the Apothecary attacks random targets with A1 and hits the Boss and Ronda attacks the boss. This is fraught with danger due to the activation of her passive and possible team wipe. Here is an example composition for Ice Golem 20:
- Apothecary for SPD buff and healing.
- Stag Knight for AOE Decrease DEF and АТК debuffs.
- Ronda for dps.
- Broadmaw for revive and useful buffs.
- Frozen Banshee to quickly kill the boss with Poisons.

Fire Knight 20 Team
In the Fire Knight’s Castle dungeon, Ronda is great, she has many muti-hits that help you down the boss’s shield faster as well as good damage on waves. Unfortunately, level 20 is Force affinity, therefore Ronda will be a priority target for enemies on the waves, and will also have her damage reduced. Here is an example composition for Fire Knight 20:
- Stag Knight for AOE Decrease DEF and АТК debuffs plus Decrease SPD debuff on A1.
- Apothecary for multihits, Increase SPD buff and healing.
- Armiger for Decrease the turn meter and quickly kill the Boss with MAX HP skill.
- Broadmaw for revive and useful buffs.
- Ronda for multihits and dps.

Ronda Late Game Guide
Ronda is a good dps champion for Clan Boss. Thanks to her passive skill she often joins to attack, which greatly increases her overall damage. Her aura Increases ally ATK in all battles by 30% for a positive effect on the entire team output.
It is worth noting that Ronda does not have any useful debuffs for the Clan Boss. Therefore, using her in most compositions for 1 key does not make sense, since it simply cannot deal enough damage without them. Of course, she can be used in specific lineups where the Decrease Def and Weaken debuffs are placed by other champions. However, this significantly limits the available options for your team.
Ronda can be used in both Unkillable and Counterattack teams. Since the second option is presented in the general guide, in this guide we will consider an Unkillable lineup for Ronda. She is an attack champion and has low HP and DEF but high ATK making her more suitable for this type of team.
Masteries for Ronda
In terms of masteries Offense with Giant Slayer T6 due to 3 hit A1 is chosen to deal the damage against Clan Boss. For the second branch it is better to take Defense with Retribution, which will increase the dps. As usual for Unkillable, no TM increasing masteries can be selected in order not to break the speed tune.

Gear & Stats Build
Your first order of business is to select which team composition you will be using. Once you have done that, reaching the required Speed setting is the priority. In this guide we will use Helicath Unkillable team with budget speed. After those conditions are fulfilled, her gear should be aimed at increasing her damage.
Savage or Lethal sets are a luxury choice, but you can take any other sets like Cruel, Fatal, Crit Damage, Critical Rate or Speed. In this team composition it is forbidden to use Relentless set and sets that manipulate the Turn Meter. At the same time, refreshing skills is allowed so you could use Reflex.
In this variant, Ronda should have a speed of 173-177, which means that players with excellent gear are able to equip ATK% boots while reaching the required stats. This speed will allow you to use Ronda in Arena with greater efficiency if you are striving for versatility.
Recommended Main Stats
- Gloves – Crit Damage or Crit Rate if you can’t reach 100% Crit Rate with Crit Damage Gloves.
- Chest – ATK%.
- Boots – Speed/ATK%.
- Ring – AKT.
- Amulet – Crit Damage.
- Banner – ATK.

Clan Boss Team
This unkillable is kept by Helicath, with Block Damage buff on the first and second AOE of CB. The 3rd hit of the boss is blocked by Skullcrusher Unkillable buff, but you can use any other champion as the stun boi. If you have meta champions and excellent gear it is possible to 1 key on UNM Clan Boss. However, this build will focus on the versatility to make team 100% affinity friendy so that it can 2 key UNM and 1 key NM.
Here is an example of team:
- Helicath with 247 speed for Block Damage buff and Weaken debuff.
- Doompriest with 186 speed for cleansing debuff from 2 AOE and Stun.
- Fayne with 178 speed for Decrease DEF and Weaken debuffs.
- Ronda with 174 speed for dps.
- Skullcrusher with 173 speed is the stun target with Unkillable buff and Counterattack buff.

Ronda Late Game Arena Build Guide
Although Ronda is not a bad PvE champion, her potential in the arena is also very high. Thanks to the good damage of her AOE skills, as well as the fact that her A3 hits twice, Ronda can be perfect for the role of an arena damage dealer in a speed team. In this guide, we will look at the build tailored exclusively for the Arena. This does not mean that she cannot be used in other areas with this build, but her damage against bosses will be lower, although the damage on the waves will be higher.
Her A2 skill, although it has devastating damage, in practice, you have to attack more than once. This build centers around placing Block Passive Skills and Block Active Skills debuffs on enemies. Abundance of stoneskin sets and polymorph on the enemy’s main supports makes this idea a little shaky.
It is important to note that in this guide, Ronda is used without books, which means that her AOE damage can be increased by an additional 20%.
For best results on Arena Helmsmasher T6 mastery is the number one choice, especially if you use sets that ignore enemies Def. Single Out from the Offense branch and other damage increasing masteries like Ruthless Ambush and Bring it Down are a good choice. For the second branch it is better to take Defence with the Retribution, but its not so important. You also can use Support branch for Lore of Steel mastery if you are interested in reaching some extra stats from your sets.

Gear & Stats Build
For Arena Savage and Lethal sets are the best choice, but you can use any other sets like Cruel, Crit Damage, Crit Rate or just wear good artifacts with the right stats, regardless of the sets. In this case Lethal and Fatal sets were utilised with ATK% boots to maximize Ronda’s damage.
Recommended Main Stats
- Gloves – Crit Damage or Crit Rate if you can’t reach 100% Crit Rate with Crit Damage Gloves
- Chest – ATK%
- Boots – Speed/ATK%
- Ring – ATK
- Amulet – Crit Damage
- Banner – ATK.
Reaction Accessory are agood choice if you are not 100% sure that you will take the first turn.

Arena Team Compositions
A speed team with meta champions is showcased here, but you can use alternative champions in similar roles. Our task is to overtake the enemy, place CC debuffs and kill everyone with Ronda. Our potential opponents are all speed teams, as well as some defensive teams that don’t look too scary. It is worth noting that Ronda is a champion of magic affinity, so attacks against champions of the force affinity must be carried out wisely. Very tanky teams should be avoided, since most likely we won’t have enough damage from Ronda to break through them, and this team is not intended for a long fight.
Here is an example of team:
- Prince Kymar for SPD aura, stripping the enemies buffs and placing Sleep debuff.
- Morrigaine for tm boost.
- Ramantu Drakesblood for stripping the buffs and Block Active Skills or Block Passive Skills debuffs.
- Ronda for dps.
Ronda struggles a little against more difficult opponents with this build. She did not have enough damage to finish the fight with her first AOE. Yes, in most of the fights Increase ATK buff or Decrease Def debuffs were not used and without them, she cannot showcase significant damage especially without books.
Therefore, using a champion with an attack buff like Arbiter is important for a comfortable arena fights. You can also notice the moment when, after placing a Sleep debuff, Ronda attacked the enemy team and woke up the leader, so be on the lookout if you use her with Kymar.
In general, it can be summed up that Ronda is a really good damage dealer and copes with the main tasks, however, good supports significantly increase her dps potential.