Raid Shadow Legends: Crimson Helm Champion Guide

Crimson Helm is an epic spirit affinity champion from the dark elves faction in Raid Shadow Legends. This champion has a lot of uses in the early game, as such we will provide a range of different early game build guides, team compositions and strategies for you in this post. Crimson Helm is great for Clan Boss, Dungeon Runs and the Arena. She even has applications for soloing Bommal (90 Hard), which we will cover in detail during this Crimson Helm champion guide.

Crimson Helm Stats Overview

Crimson Helm avatar
  • Faction: Dark Elves
  • Type: Defense
  • Affinity: Spirit
  • Rarity: Epic
  • HP: 15690
  • Attack: 727
  • Defense: 1531
  • Critical Rate: 15
  • Critical Damage: 50
  • Speed: 85
  • Resistance: 30
  • Accuracy: 15
  • Aura: Increase Ally HP in Dungeons by 33
  • Books to Max Skills: 11

Crimson Helm Skills Overview

Sucker Punch

A1: Sucker Punch

Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 30% chance of placing a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 1 turn.

Upgrades as follows:

  • Level 2: Damage +5%
  • Level 3: Damage +5%
  • Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
  • Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Vile Tongue

A2: Vile Tongue

Attacks 4 times at random. Each hit has a 75% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn. Places a [Block Damage] buff on this Champion for 1 turn.

Upgrades as follows:

  • Level 2: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
  • Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
  • Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
  • Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
  • Level 6: Cooldown -1
En Garde!

A3: En Garde!

Places a [Revive on Death] buff and a 60% [Increase DEF] buff on all allies for 2 turns.

Upgrades as follows:

  • Level 2: Cooldown -1
  • Level 3: Cooldown -1

Crimson Helm Clan Boss Build Guide

Crimson Helm is an Epic Spirit affinity champ that can help out in many different areas during the early game. Her defensive, buffing and debuffing abilities allow for her to be able to sustain herself in Arena, complete multiple Dungeons and occupy a spot at the Clan Boss. In this first portion of the guide we will discuss the utilization and build of Crimson Helm for Clan Boss.


Booking out her A2 and A3 to the max is the most ideal way to get full use from her if you decide to commit and don’t have much better epics with a booking priority. With A2 you will increase her chance to provoke the enemies to 75%; it’s a useful skill as Crimson Helm also places a Block Damage buff onto herself, thus taking the heat of the fight from your other champs without taking damage. The A3 skill only needs two books and will reduce the cooldown for Revive on Death buff along with the 60% Increase Defense that is placed on the entire team which will last for two turns.

While not necessary to book out her A1 skill due to it only lasting for one turn; it can be utilized well against the early and mid-game CB if she is fully booked as it gives a 50% chance of landing a 50% decrease attack.


The Offense and Support masteries were taken due to gaining increased Accuracy as well as the extra damage from Warmaster. Warmaster is a must as it ensures champions get fully healed when going in for an attack or counter attack with a Lifesteal set. Notable masteries leading up to Warmaster include: Deadly Precision and Keen Strike for extra damage, Single Out, Bring it Down and Methodical for extra damage against higher HP targets and longer fights.

For the Support tree Pinpoint Accuracy, Charged Focus, and Swarm Smitter were taken to help build accuracy to land debuffs. Master Hexer and Sniper were taken to increase the chances of her A1 landing. All of these masteries also help fully enable her A1 and A2.

Crimson Helm clan boss masteries

Gear & Stats Build

Due to CH being a defensive based champion you want to stack as much defense as you can at this stage of the game. For Hard Clan Boss you want a minimum defense of 2400, though the higher the defense the better as her damage comes from her defense as well.

To consistently land debuffs on the CB you would be needing 150+ accuracy minimum. You can view the exact numbers for different clan bosses by typing -guide accuracy. Furthermore, due to the CB being at a speed of 150, you would want your CH [and the rest of your team] at 151+ speed to make sure you go 1:1 with the CB. Once these stats are achieved you can try and look at the health or the crit rate stats.

Recommended Main Stats

  • Gloves: Def%
  • Chest: Def% / HP%
  • Boots: Speed
  • Ring: Def% / HP%
  • Amulet: Def% / HP%
  • Banner: Accuracy
Crimson Helm gear and stats build

Clan Boss Team Composition & Strategy

During a CB fight many of Crimson Helm’s skills will not be put to use in the way you would normally expect. While she cannot provoke the CB with her A2 skill, she is able to hit the boss 4x along with providing herself with the Block Damage buff. If she is the prime target for the CB the Block Damage buff will help her sustain a turn and allow your team more freedom for hits.

If there is a healer / reviver Crimson Helm can act as a second if her A3 is applied properly. Furthermore, if multiple members of your team are nearing death, the A3 lasts for 2 turns and can bring them back at low health. It additionally provides increased defense for two turns which allows your team to last longer, especially paired with the decreased attack from A1. The A1 skill decrease attack will be utilized consistently and will minimize the CB’s damage. In the early game every bit of damage done and mitigated helps to lessen the number of keys you need to invest for maximum rewards.

This team works for a comfortable 1-2 key Hard Mode but could be 1 keyed with better gear. The following composition is auto friendly:

  1. Crimson Helm for buffing and damage
  2. Kael for AOE and Poisons
  3. Warmaiden for AOE Def down
  4. Frozen Banshee for Poisons against the boss
  5. Reliquary Tender for reviving, buffing and healing
Crimson Helm clan boss team

Crimson Helm Arena Build Guide

Aside from clan boss in the early game, Crimson Helm can also prove useful in the Arena. Below we will provide a detailed build guide for crimson helm in the arena.


CH’s A2 attacks 4x at random and has a high chance to land 2 or 3 provokes; when fully booked has a 95% chance to land which makes it quite strong. On top of landing provoke, it places a Block Damage buff onto Crimson Helm for one turn. Provoke is a strong debuff in Arena as it stops the enemy team using their abilities and allows for your squishy nukers not to be targeted and taken out relatively quickly.

If you find yourself not provoking the nuker, her A1 can come in clutch to decrease their attack. Her A3 can also be utilized due to its revival on death which can give you the chance to turn the tide of the fight if you find yourself in a losing position.


The support tree focused on building Accuracy as this will be necessary to land Provoke on the enemy teams which is why Pinpoint Accuracy, Charged Focus, and Swarm Smiter were chosen. Arcane Celerity will help to increase your own Turn Meter when your debuffs like Provoke expire. Paired with Evil Eye, which reduces the target’s TM, this will ensure your team has more chances to hit before they do. With Crimson Helm in a Speed set, Lore of Steel will increase the base stats by 15%. Lasting Gift will extend the Defense Up that is cast on the entire team allowing them to tank a bit more damage. On the off hand your allies do start to die, Spirit Haste will help increase speed, thus allowing buffs and debuffs to be cast quicker.

In the Offense tree an early focus was placed on increasing her Crit Rate and Damage. Shield Breaker was chosen as often in Arena you will find teams that tend to run Shield buffs on themselves. If this does occur, Crimson Helm will still be able to do ample damage. Due to your position as being early game, Warmaster is best to be taken as she will be used in all aspects of the game; however if you are only using CH in Arena specifically, it would be best to take Eagle Eye for the extra accuracy.

Crimson Helm masteries for the arena

Gear & Stats Build

Against other Arena teams, the idea behind Crimson Helm is to have her go second after your speed booster but also have enough accuracy to land her provokes. In cases of low Arena tiers, such as Bronze, Silver and Low Gold, the Accuracy required is subjective but the goal is to aim for 150-200 as the enemies don’t have higher Resistance. Any other stats that can be put into her survivability after her Speed and Accuracy is advisable such as Def % and HP %.

The ideal sets would be Speed, Perception and/or Accuracy sets. However, the sets are not as important as stats. Note that the featured Crimson Helm is being used in all aspects of the game hence currently in Life Steal.

Recommended Main Stats

  • Gloves: Def%
  • Chest: Accuracy / Def% / HP%
  • Boots: Speed
  • Ring: Def% / HP%
  • Amulet: Def% / HP%
  • Banner: Accuracy
Crimson Helm arena gear and stats build

Strategy & Team Composition

In the example team below, CH is showcased in a typical speed team with High Khatun as the speed lead, Warmaiden as the debuff and Kael as the nuker. CH finds her place on this team to provoke the enemies and stop them from attacking the rest of the team with their other abilities.

During the Arena, Crimson Helm goes last as she is not properly speed tuned to the team. However, because the rest of the team is speed tuned, she still manages to get the Provokes off before the enemies take their turn, thus keeping the nukers and team safe from any damage.

Even though this Crimson Helm is also lacking the Accuracy it is still advisable to have her at the higher end of the 150-200 accuracy for maximum chances to land Provoke, this shows that resistance isn’t a factor in lower tier Arenas at the time of recording.

Crimson Helm arena team

Crimson Helm Dungeon Raids Build Guide

In this section we will discuss the utilization and build of Crimson Helm for Dungeons.


As was explained previously in the CB section the masteries were taken to increase Accuracy that help against minions in the Dungeons and deal extra damage. For the Offense tree the focus was Warmaster as Crimson Helm in a Lifesteal set will be able to sustain damage over a longer period of time. Notable masteries leading up to Warmaster include: Deadly Precision and Keen Strike for extra damage, Single Out, Bring it Down and Methodical for extra damage to help in longer fights.

For the Support tree, Pinpoint Accuracy, Charged Focus, and Swam Smitter were selected to help build Accuracy to land debuffs against waves of enemies and decrease the attack against the Boss. Rapid Response and Evil Eye were chosen to increase and decrease Turn Meters. Cycle of Magic has a 5% chance to decrease the cooldown of a random skill and this can greatly benefit her with either the A2 ability to Block Damage in a quicker fashion, or the A3 Revive on Death / Increase Defense. Master Hexer and Sniper were taken to increase the chances of her A1 landing.

Crimson Helm dungeon masteries

Gear & Stats Build

Crimson Helm is used best when built as a defensive champ that is also quick and accurate. She should be able to sustain incoming hits from the bosses to allow the rest of your team to survive. Her Speed and Accuracy are important as she can lessen the damage from Dungeon bosses while also keeping defense up on the team. The baseline for Accuracy at this stage of the game is x10 of the dungeon level. So for example in Dragon 10 you need 100 Accuracy at least to land the debuffs. In terms of speed realistically try to reach about 150.

Having Defense Up additionally helps Crimson Helm as she is a defense champ and it increases her damage while also making her tankier. Crit rate is important for extra damage if you have the luxury, but it is not necessary. Ideally she would be in Life Steal gear as the masteries were built around Warmaster, and this will allow her to gain health back quicker via her own attacks. Other notable offsets include Speed, Perception or Accuracy sets to make up where you may be lacking base stats.

Recommended Main Stats

  • Gloves: Def% / Crit Rate
  • Chest: Def% / HP%
  • Boots: Speed
  • Ring: Def% / HP%
  • Amulet: Def % / HP% / Crit Dmg
  • Banner: Acc / Def / HP
Crimson Helm dungeon gear and stats build

Minotaur 15 Strategy & Team Composition

In Minotaur 15, Crimson Helm saw use in ensuring the team stayed alive, provoking the enemy waves and increasing Defense of champions with having Revive on Death as a backup for anything going wrong. She acted as a pseudo reviver and buffer while doing a fair bit of damage, which helped compliment the Life Steals wore in this composition.

The A2 ability allowed the team to move through the waves with little damage and effort. By the time the team arrived at Minotaur both the A1 and A3 abilities were used to decrease the bosses attack, while increasing the teams defense and Chelms damage. This caused the battle to run its course quickly as the Poisons and damage from Kael and Frozen Banshee made short work of the boss after Warmaidens Defense Down hit. Mino 15 features the following team:

  1. Crimson Helm for buffing and damage
  2. Kael for AOE and Poisons
  3. Reliquary Tender for healing, cleansing and revive
  4. Frozen Banshee for Poisons against the boss
  5. High Khatun for speed boosting

Minotaur levels below 15 could be easily run with just Kael, Frozen Banshee, Warmaiden and Crimson Helm due to the damage output and quickness. High Khatun was used to gain extra masteries but is not necessary.

Crimson Helm minotaur 15 team

Dragon 10

In Dragon 10, Crimson Helm is used mainly for her buffs and debuffs. Every other turn Dragon will get his ability, tracked by a purple bar that if it is not depleted, will Stun the entire team. If this does occur, it is useful to be able to have used Crimson Helm’s A3 skill the turn before it happens, as it will increase your Defense and cause you to take less damage, while also protecting your champs if they are close to death with the revive ability.

Dragon 10 features the following team:

  1. Crimson Helm for buffing and damage
  2. Kael for AOE damage and Poisons
  3. Warmaiden for AOE Def down
  4. Frozen Banshee for Poisons against the boss
  5. High Khatun for speed
Crimson Helm dragon 10 team

Spider 10

In Spider 10, Crimson Helm can tank at maximum 4 spiderlings (if Provokes hit) in order to ease the heat from your team. As she is negative affinity in this level, she ends up being the focus of the spiderlings, thus allowing your team free reign to hit the boss with ease. She is also tankier, as is the entire team, with the Defense up. Revive on Death is a good backup as it allows her the chance to come back without having to use Reliquary’s revive immediately or incase it is needed on a different champ.

Spider 10 features the following team:

  1. Crimson Helm for buffing and damage
  2. Kael for AOE and Poisons
  3. Warmaiden for AOE Def down
  4. Frozen Banshee for Poisons against the boss
  5. Reliquary Tender for healing, buffs and reviving
Crimson Helm spider 10 team

Fire Knight 10

In Fire Knight 10, when Crimson Helm reaches the boss, A2 is utilized well. While the Provoke will not land, the fact that the 4 random hits will all count against the shield is vital. This immediately takes off 4/10 and makes it easier to get him to where you can damage his health regularly with his shield dropped. High Khatun was used for this team in order to speed everyone up to be able to properly damage the shield, and also damage the FK when his shield was down.

Fire Knight 10 features the following team:

  • Crimson Helm for buffing and damage
  • Kael for AOE and Poisons
  • Warmaiden for AOE Def down
  • Frozen Banshee for Poisons against the boss
  • High Khatun for speed
Crimson Helm fire knight 10 team

Ice Golem 10

In Ice Golem 10, Crimson Helm is used for a smoother ride past the early waves before getting to the boss. Once there, she becomes a damage dealer while also keeping Defense up for the team. Her chance to Decrease Attack, even for just one turn, helps the team to take less incoming damage. It is recommended to only kill one of the adds if possible. When IG reaches certain levels of health he will use his counter attack to constantly revive them but this can be bypassed with poisons. When the health thresholds are hit passed by Poison proc damage there will be no counterattacks.

Ice Golem 10 features the following team:

  • Crimson Helm for buffing and damage
  • Kael for AOE and Poisons
  • Warmaiden for AOE Def down
  • Frozen Banshee for Poisons against the boss
  • High Khatun for speed
Crimson Helm ice golem 10 team

Arcane 16

In Arcane Keep 16, Crimson Helm is used to help clear the early waves. Once at the Boss, she becomes a damage dealer while also keeping Defense up for the team. Having the Increased defense is very helpful because the Boss will do more damage when he has buffed himself and this helps to negate some of that increase. Her chance for Decrease Attack will also help in keeping your team alive for the singular turn it stays on.

Arcane Keep 16 features the following team:

  • Crimson Helm for buffing and damage
  • Kael for AOE and Poisons
  • Warmaiden for AOE Def down
  • Frozen Banshee for Poisons against the boss
  • High Khatun for speed
Crimson Helm arcane 16 team

Spirit Keep 13

In Spirit Keep 13, Crimson Helm is used to help clear the early waves. Once at the Boss, she becomes a damage dealer while also keeping Defense up for the team. She is good at provoking the side adds and allows the team to focus on damaging the Boss who has the ability to heal 50% HP at the start of each turn due to her passive ability. The more damage is done quickly, the sooner the fight is finished, especially if you have no healing reduction debuff.

Spirit Keep 13 features the following team:

  • Crimson Helm for buffing and damage
  • Kael for AOE and Poisons
  • Warmaiden for AOE Def down
  • Frozen Banshee for Poisons against the boss
  • High Khatun for speed
Crimson Helm spirit keep 13 team

Doom Tower: Magma Dragon 10

In Doom Tower Magma Dragon 10, Crimson Helm can be useful not only due to strong affinity (on the Frozen Spider rotation), but she can also land Provoke against him. This paired with Block Damage allows the rest of the team safety for a turn while he focuses on her. As Provocation is the best strategy for dealing with this boss, this strategy can be maintained at higher levels as well.

Magma Dragon 10 features the following team:

  • Crimson Helm for buffing and damage
  • Kael for AOE and Poisons
  • Warmaiden for AOE Def down
  • Frozen Banshee for Poisons against the boss
  • Reliquary Tender for healing, buffs and reviving
Crimson Helm magma dragon 10 team

Crimson Helm Solo Bommal 90 Hard Build Guide

Crimson Helm is one of the few champions that has found her relevance again and again after long periods of being considered irrelevant. In cases where you do not have access to champions such as Samar Gemcursed that allow you to farm Bommal the Dreadhorn, she can come in clutch and allow you to manual any level of difficulty with her with a low investment.

A2 has to be booked 100% , A3 can be left alone but it’s safer to have it booked as well if you get bad RNG.


The key masteries you are going to want for this strategy are Spirit Haste, Whirlwind of death, and Warmaster. The reasoning on these masteries is so the speed from artifacts can remain minimal at 176. That is the sweet spot you want for this particular tune. The speed aura should be used in this composition, otherwise you will need to compensate.

The reason for Warmaster as T6 mastery is so you don’t claw your eyes out from boredom (and so you don’t error out with reaching the maximum turn count). You do not require the two speed boosting masteries, but it makes gearing your Crimson Helm much much easier.

Crimson Helm solo bommal 90 hard masteries

Gear & Stats Build

The gear needed for this build is pretty easy to scrape together if you are at this point in the game. You are going to want to have Regen and Immortal for the sets. For stats you want to aim for at least 70k HP and 3.7k Defense.

Regarding speed as stated previously you want Crimson helm at 176 speed EXACTLY if you are going to use the masteries stated before and a 24% speed lead. Ursala and Fushan are the two that come to mind for this role. If you do not use the speed lead as mentioned above you need her at exactly 196 speed and both masteries activated. Ideally the end speed that you will end up with when all of these are active, is 238.4. If you can reach this speed requirement on Crimson Helm with the statsyou do not need the masteries or the speed lead.

You are going to want as little Accuracy as possible for less chance to place debuffs on the boss as this will prevent unwanted bombs on Crimson Helm. Resistance is not needed as you won’t have enough resist available for it to matter in the first place.

Recommended Main Stats

  • Glove: HP%
  • Chest: HP%
  • Boots: HP%/Speed
  • Ring: HP
  • Amulet: HP
  • Banner: HP
Crimson Helm solo bommal 90 hard gear and stats

Strategy & Tactics

The way the build works is you either have everyone in your team die right away or have one champ to help clear waves. In this showcase Magnarr was used to help make the waves a little faster. All you need in the first two waves is to have Crimson Helm get exactly 3 kills to utilise the Whirlwind of Death mastery. Other than that you can do as you please as long as everyone dies besides Crimson Helm when she enters the actual boss fight alone. By that time she needs to have the Spirit Haste mastery fully triggered.

When fighting the boss, you will want to save Crimson Helm’s A2 for when the big bombs are about to get their turn, that way the bomb damage is blocked. In the event that Bommal strips your block damage buff and places two bombs on Crimson Helm, you want to use her A3 which will revive her if the two bombs do enough damage.

With this rotation of skill use, you should be able to whittle down Bommals HP with the Warmaster procs. Additional notes to are that you want to take in two low-level champions that will die easily to help with the Spirit haste mastery.

Crimson Helm solo bommal 90 hard

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