Elder Skarg is a legendary force affinity champion from the barbarians faction in Raid Shadow Legends. He has the ability to place AOE HP burns on enemies, this makes him really effective for Spider dungeon raids. As HP burns are one of the best ways to deal with one of Raid’s hardest dungeons. As such we have provided guidance and a build setup on how to best use Elder Skarg in Spider 20 and 25 battles. Furthermore, Elder Skarg also proves himself as a super effective champion for Clan Boss, he can be useful in three team compositions; easy double maneater, unkillable and non-unkillable teams, all of which are covered in detail during this Elder Skarg champion guide.
Elder Skarg Stats Overview

- Faction: Barbarians
- Type: Attack
- Affinity: Force
- Rarity: Legendary
- HP: 16185
- Attack: 1630
- Defense: 870
- Critical Rate: 15
- Critical Damage: 63
- Speed: 105
- Resistance: 30
- Accuracy: 0
- Aura: Increase Ally C. RATE in Arena battles by 30
- Books to Max Skills: 8
Elder Skarg Skills Overview

A1: Tide of Steel
Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 30% [Increase SPD] buff on this Champion for 2 turns if this attack is critical. Places a 30% [Increase C. RATE] buff on this Champion if this attack is not critical.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +5%
- Level 3: Damage +10%
- Level 4: Damage +15%

A2: Hunt the Marked
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Places an extra hit for each buff or debuff on the target. Can place up to 3 extra hits. Places a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns and a [True Fear] debuff for 1 turn on all enemies if this attack places all 3 extra hits. Steals all the buffs from the target after the attack.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +5%
- Level 3: Damage +10%
- Level 4: Damage +15%

A3: Elder’s Clarion
Places a 60% [Increase DEF] buff on this Champion for 3 turns. Places a [Fear] debuff on all enemies for 1 turn. Places a [True Fear] debuff for 1 turn on targets under [Block Damage] buffs. Places a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff for 2 turns on targets under [Shield] buffs. These debuffs cannot be resisted. Also places a [Provoke] debuff on Legendary Champions for 1 turn.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Cooldown -1
- Level 3: Cooldown -1
![Kingslayer-P Kingslayer [P]](https://www.gamingelephant.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Kingslayer-P.png)
A4: Kingslayer [P]
Receives 15% less damage from Legendary Champions. Inflicts damage equal to this Champion’s ATK when attacked by Legendary Champions. The extra hit cannot be critical.
Upgrades as follows:
- No books needed.
Elder Skarg Clan Boss Build Guide
Now that the AI Customization has been implemented into the game, we can finally use Elder Skarg in Clan Boss on Auto. He has the skill with the highest base multiplier in the game and we can utilize him as a damage dealer in Clan Boss teams. Due to his A1 ability to place increase Speed on himself. He can be tuned to have a much lower speed than usual CB damage dealers allowing you to build him with much higher offensive stats. In this guide we will showcase Elder Skarg in a Budget Unkillable, Easy Double Maneater, and a Standard Non-Unkillable CB team.
For Masteries, we will choose the standard CB Mastery team. We will select the Offense and Defense Masteries on Elder Skarg. In the Offense Tree, take Crit Rate, Crit Damage, all the CB damage increasing masteries on the left and into T6 Giant Slayer mastery. In the Defense tree, take the Damage mitigation mastery in Tough Skin, Blastproof, and Delayed Death so we can get into the T5 counterattack mastery in Retribution.

Gear & Stats Build for Unkillable Teams
For an CB Unkillable build, the most important stat to have on him is speed. You need to ensure he has the speed to be tuned with your unkillable team and Elder Skarg has unique speed requirement. For Budget unkillable, he will need 132 speed for UNM and adjusted to 148 speed for NM. Once you have the speeds, build him with 100% Crit Rate with as much Attack and Crit Damage as possible. 100% Crit Rate is important as he needs to Crit on his A1 to gain the Increase Speed Buff. You can choose whether to give him accuracy or not since he can also place HP Burn but for this build, accuracy was ignored.
There is a variety of sets he can use for an unkillable CB team such as Fury and Retaliation, but any stat increasing sets such as Cruel, Crit Damage, or Offense will do.
Recommended Main Stats
- Glove: Crit Damage
- Chest: ATK %
- Boots: ATK %
- Ring: ATK
- Amulet: Crit Damage
- Banner: ATK

Unkillable Clan Boss Team Composition & Strategy
This is an example of a Budget Unkillable team that features Occult Brawler as the Slowboy/Stun target with Elder Skarg and Fayne as the other 2 DPS champions. The speed settings used for this team are:
- 113 Occult Brawler
- 132 Elder Skarg
- 177 Jintoro
- 240 Maneater
- 220 Painkeeper
This team is quite unique in that in can have two “Slow Boys”, one actual slow boy to take the stun and one champion, Elder Skarg, who can be built extremely slow due to his permanent Inc Speed Buff on himself. Occult Brawler brings massive amount of Poison Damage, Jintoro brings the Dec Def and Weaken debuff, and Elder Skarg brings the massive amount of DPS.
There are a few flaws in using a budget unkillable team as well as using Elder Skarg as a DPS champion.
- Budget Unkillable teams are not affinity-friendly due to the stun target. You need to change stun targets if yours is a positive affinity to the CB.
- You have to adjust the speed of your slowboy for NM and UNM.
- You also need to adjust Elder Skarg’s speed for NM and UNM.
- Elder Skarg does not work as well on negative affinity due to weak hits because it cannot crit. If he weak hits twice in a row, he will not get his Inc Speed Buff and the comp will go out of tune.

Gear & Stats Build for Easy Double Maneater Teams
For an CB Unkillable build, the most important stat to have on him is speed. You need to ensure he has the speed to be tuned with your unkillable team and Elder Skarg has unique speed requirement. For Easy Double ME unkillable, he will need 132 speed for both UNM and NM. Once you have the speeds, build him with 100% Crit Rate with as much Attack and Crit Damage as possible. 100% Crit Rate is important as he needs to Crit on his A1 to gain the Increase Speed Buff. You can choose whether to give him accuracy or not since he can also place HP Burn but for this build, accuracy was ignored.
There is a variety of sets he can use for an unkillable CB team such as Fury and Retaliation, but any stat increasing sets such as Cruel, Crit Damage, or Offense will do.
Recommended Main Stats
- Glove: Crit Damage
- Chest: ATK %
- Boots: ATK %
- Ring: ATK
- Amulet: Crit Damage
- Banner: ATK

Easy Double Maneater Clan Boss Team Composition & Strategy
This is an example of the Easy Double Maneater team that features Elder Skarg, Jintoro and Kreela as the 3 DPS champions. The speed settings used for this team are:
- 132 Elder Skarg
- 177 Jintoro
- 178 Kreela Witcharm
- 215 Maneater
- 220 Maneater
Once again, this is a unique team that allows a very slow Elder Skarg due to his permanent Inc Speed Buff on himself. We have Jintoro to provide Dec Def and Weaken, Kreela provides the Inc Atk, Inc Crit Rate, and Ally Attack, and Elder Skarg to bring massive amount of DPS.
Unlike the Budget Unkillable team, this team works on all affinities, and on UNM/NM without changing speeds. However, it does have quite a long manual set up time of 6 turns. But it still has the same weakness where it does not work as well for Elder Skarg on negative affinity due to weak hits because it cannot crit. If he weak hits twice in a row, he will not get his Inc Speed Buff and the comp will go out of tune.

Gear & Stats Build for Non-Unkillable Teams
Finally for a non-Unkillable build, we have to build him more defensively. Once again, depending on the speed tune you’re using, you have to adjust your speed number and consider that he has an Inc Speed buff at all times. In this standard slow-tuned 1:1 CA team, he is built with 155 speed. Once you have the speeds, build him with 100% Crit Rate to ensure he always crit and gets the Inc Speed Buff from his A1. Then build him with at least 3k Defense and as much Atk and Crit Damage as possible. You can choose whether to give him accuracy or not since he can also place HP Burn but for this build, accuracy was ignored.
For a non-unkillable team CB team, the Stalwart set is highly recommended. Without this set, I highly recommend a higher defense build or he will not be able to survive long enough.
Recommended Main Stats
- Glove: Crit Damage
- Chest: DEF/ATK %
- Boots: DEF/ATK %
- Ring: DEF/ATK
- Amulet: Crit Damage
- Banner: DEF/ATK

Non-Unkillable Clan Boss Team Composition & Strategy
This is an example of a 1:1 slowtuned CB team with Elder Skarg in a DPS role and their speed:
- 189 Geomancer
- 188 Riho Bonespear
- 171 Valkyrie
- 170 Underpriest Brogni
- 155 Elder Skarg
This is a standard slow tuned 1:1 style CA team that is built to survive long into the CB fight. This team combination has the following synergies between each champion to survive long into the CB fight:
- Geomancer offers his unique ability to reduce incoming damage by 15% and reflect it back to the CB which can proc Giant Slayer and deal massive damage over time. He can also steal the CB’s Inc Atk Buff.
- Riho provides all the necessary debuffs on the Clan Boss (Dec Atk, Dec Def) with heals and Block Debuff buff to prevent the affinity debuff on the team.
- Valkyrie provides team Counterattack and huge shields to protect the team.
- Underpriest Brogni provides Inc Atk, Block debuff to block the stun and an additional layer of shield for the stun after to CB breaks through Valkyrie’s Shield on the AOEs. He is able to grow Valkyrie’s shield and his passive benefits from the shield by reflecting damage back to the CB and healing the team.
- Elder Skarg offers pure DPS against the CB.
Shields are a very important aspect in Brogni based teams as Brogni reflect damage done to the Shield and Valkyrie offers a shield for Brogni to enhance. Geomancer benefits from teams that lasts a very long time as it allows him to rack up tons of damage every time the CB takes a turn.
This team is affinity-friendly, but the damage will vary depending on affinity due to weak hits. This team also works on NM difficulty.

Dungeon Runs Build Guide
Despite being negative affinity to both Spider 20 and the Nether Spider in the Doom Tower, the unique mechanic of Elder Skarg’s skill allows him to place HP burn on all enemies without risking weak hits. His A2 ability only attacks one enemy and places HP burn on all enemies if the condition of having at least 3 buffs/debuffs on the enemy is met. This placement of HP Burn on all enemies does not actually hit the enemies, so a weak hit and fails cannot happen. His A3 places irresistible Fear Debuff on all enemies granting additional CC against all the spiderlings. Additionally, Elder Skarg is very cheap to build as he does not need books or masteries to perform his job.
While it might look like Elder Skarg can be used for the Frost Spider, it is not actually the case. He is not ideal because the Frost Spider has insanely high resistance of 500+ and the ability to prevent, remove, and transfer debuffs from itself making the requirement of having at least 3 debuffs on it to AOE HP Burn quite difficult. It is not recommended to use him for the Frost Spider.
As mentioned, Masteries are not important at all on Elder Skarg so you can save your energy or gems on other things. The only masteries used in this build are the basic Crit Rate, Crit Damage in the Offense Tree and Accuracy Masteries in the Support Tree.
If you are struggling to reach the required Accuracy stats you may want to opt in for Eagle Eye Mastery. Alternatively Warmaster can be useful in PVE setting for addtional damage.

Gear & Stats Build
The only two things that matters in this Elder Skarg build for this role to be filled are Speed and Accuracy. As much speed as possible is recommended, ideally around 220+ and enough Accuracy for the content you are using him in, 220+ for Dungeons 20 and 330+ for Hard Doom Tower.
Sets are not very important if you can meet the stats. Using Speed, Accuracy, or Perception sets are ideal to help achieve the stats requirement.
Recommended Main Stats
- Glove: HP %/Def %
- Chest: HP %/Def %/Accuracy
- Boots: Speed
- Ring: HP/Defense
- Amulet: HP/Defense
- Banner: Accuracy
Refresh jewelery is good for Elder Skarg as it allows the HP Burn to be cycled more often

Spider 20
For Spider 20 Dungeon, Elder Skarg can singlehandedly kill the Spider by placing HP Burn on all the Spiderlings. You need to build a team that can control the Spider’s Turnmeter and keep your team alive while the spiderlings take turns and burn down the main Spider.
The team needs to have to be able to place at least 3 debuffs on the Spider before Elder Skarg uses his A2 to meet his AOE HP Burn condition. Additionally, Elder Skarg places Fear on all the spiderlings and this provides the team more control over the spiderlings. An example of a strong team composition would be as follows:
- Apothecary
- Stag Knight
- Scyl of the Drakes
- Armiger
- Elder Skarg

Spider 25
With the release of Stage 21+ Dungeons, AOE HP Burn has become the BEST strategy for farming Spiders because Max HP Damage are now limited. Elder Skarg is able to perform his exact same role of AOE HP Burn for all Stage 21+ Spiders. Additionally, Elder Skarg is also able to CC the Spiderlings by placing AOE irresistible Fear on all the spiderlings.
An AOE HP Burn team with Elder Skarg requires you to build a team that can place at least 3 debuffs on the Spider before Elder Skarg uses his A2 to meet his AOE HP Burn condition. You then need champions that can control the Spider’s Turnmeter, CC the Spiderlings and keep your team alive while the spiderlings take turns and burn down the main Spider. An example team and roles could be as follows:
- Elder Skarg for AOE HP Burn and Fear
- Scyl of the Drakes for AOE Stun and Heals
- Psylar AOE Dec Speed and in a Stun set
- Jintoro to place 2 Debuffs (Dec Def and Weaken) with TM Control on the Spider Boss
- Miscreated Monster for AOE Stun with Shield and Ally Protection.

Nether Spider
With the change to the Nether Spider’s boss mechanic where TM reduction strategies are no longer viable, AOE HP Burn strategies are now one of the best strategies to deal with this Boss and Elder Skarg is one of the few that can do this job well on Auto.
Other well known AOE HP Burn champions like Ignatius, Tyrant, or Venus are not the best for this boss because they do not use their HP Burn on auto as the Spiderlings have counterattack. Even if you manually/or force the AI to use use the AOE HP Burn with the AI Preset, it trigger the spiderlings counterattack which will heal the Boss rendering the HP Burn damage useless.
Elder Skarg is unique in that he only attacks a single enemy to place his AOE HP Burn. He does not hit the spiderlings and trigger their counterattack. The team showcased in the video is built to enable the Elder Skarg HP Burn Strategy where 2 debuff cleansers are used, Mausoleum Mage and Hakkorn Smashlord, a healer/reviver in Scyl of the Drakes, and Fayne to place enough debuffs to enable Elder Skarg to meet his AOE HP Burn condition.