Jintoro is a legendary magic affinity champion from the shadowkin faction in Raid Shadow Legends. This champion is best known for his role in Clan Boss teams, as he is one of the hardest hitting champions for Clan Boss. In this guide we will cover three separate gear setups and team compositions that work well for jintoro in clan boss. We’ll also cover a general setup for dungeon runs including spider 25, dark fae 120 and the Scarab King, these are some other areas that Jintoro excels in.
Jintoro Stats Overview
- Faction: Shadowkin
- Type: Attack
- Affinity: Magic
- Rarity: Legendary
- HP: 15360
- Attack: 1487
- Defense: 1068
- Critical Rate: 15
- Critical Damage: 63
- Speed: 102
- Resistance: 30
- Accuracy: 10
- Aura: Increase Ally ATK in by 28.999999999999996
- Books to Max Skills: 12
Jintoro Skills Overview
A1: Soul Drinker
Attacks 1 enemy. Grants an Extra Turn if this attack kills an enemy.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +5%
- Level 3: Damage +5%
- Level 4: Damage +5%
- Level 5: Damage +5%
A2: Blood Freeze
Attacks 1 enemy. Steals 100% of the target’s Turn Meter. Decreases the cooldown of Oni’s Rage by 1 turn if the target is immune to Turn Meter reduction effects.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +5%
- Level 3: Damage +10%
- Level 4: Damage +10%
- Level 5: Cooldown -1
A3: Oni’s Rage
Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff and a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns. Will attack 5 times instead of 1 on every 4th use of this skill against the same target in one round.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +5%
- Level 3: Damage +10%
- Level 4: Damage +10%
- Level 5: Cooldown -1
A4: Vigorous [P]
All Turn Meter fill effects are increased by 50% when used on this Champion.
Upgrades as follows:
- No books needed.
Jintoro End Game Clan Boss Build Guide
Jintoro is a Magic affinity Legendary Champion from the Shadowkin faction. This guide will showcase Jintoro in 3 different Clan Boss builds: Bateater, Easy Double Maneater, and a standard non-unkillable Counterattack teams.
He is a champion built for dealing single target damage and has found himself a spot among the top Clan Boss DPS champions in the game. Apart from offering damage his A3, Oni’s Rage, includes Decrease Defense and Weaken debuffs that are crucial to all CB teams. This ability has a unique mechanic where every 4th use of this ability against a single target will deal a burst of 5 hits instead of 1, making this ability the highest single target damage ability in the game! His A2, Blood Freeze synergizes with it by lowering the CD on this ability on Clan Boss allowing for more use of his A3 throughout the fight. Outside of Clan Boss, his A2 steals 100% of the target’s turn meter that is useful against certain bosses and lets him cycle his turns quicker.
Booking Jintoro is necessary as he needs both of his skill cooldowns lowered. Additionally, Jintoro is all about dealing damage, so getting the damage increase from books matters for maximum Damage output.
Masteries on Jintoro will be the standard CB Masteries and the will remain the same across all builds. We will take the Offense and Defense tree. In the Offense tree, take Crit Rate, Crit Damage and all the CB damage increasing masteries on the left down to Warmaster. Life drinker is an important mastery to take for lifesteal when under 50% Health so Jintoro can lifesteal and enable the counterattack mastery on the Defense Tree. In the Defense Tree, take the Damage mitigation mastery in Tough Skin, Blastproof, Delayed Death, into both T5 counter attack masteries in Retribution and Deterrence.
This set of Masteries works for both Unkillable and Non-unkillable teams.
Bateater Clan Boss Team
Gear & Stats Build
Since Bateater is a speed tuned team, the most important stat on him is his speed. You need him to be in the Bateater DPS speed range of 218-227. Unkillable allows us to forego any defensive stats priorities.
Then as a Damage dealer, you want to build him to do as much damage as possible, which means 100% Crit Rate, 200%+ Crit Damage, at least 4k+ attack, and at least 220+ accuracy to land his debuffs. The Bateater team is unique in that it allows the use of Relentless set on your DPS champion. So, if you have the gear for it, Relentless set is highly recommended. If not, any set that will get you the stats you need will work.
Recommended Main Stats:
- Glove: Crit Damage
- Chest: ATK %
- Boots: Speed/ATK %
- Ring: Attack
- Amulet: Crit Damage
- Banner: Accuracy/Attack
Bateater Team Composition and Speeds
These are the speeds used for this Bateater team featuring Jintoro as the DPS champion:
- 219 Jintoro
- 249 Seeker
- 240 Pain Keeper
- 268 Maneater
- 240 Maneater
This is the standard Bateater team with Jintoro as the DPS champion. The main difference with using Jintoro as the DPS is that he has a passive that increases the TM he gains so, the initial setup before going on auto is different. The setup for all champions are the same except Seeker. You need to delay Seeker’s A2 one turn, that’s it. Then the run will be full auto from there. This team works on UNM, NM and Brutal on all affinities.
Easy Double Maneater Setup
Gear & Stats Build
The most important stat for any unkillable team is the correct speed. In this team, Jintoro needs to be between 171–175 speed. Then as a Damage dealer, you want to build him to deal as much damage as possible. This entails 100% Crit Rate, 200%+ Crit Damage, at least 4k+ attack, and at least 220+ accuracy to land his debuffs.
The set recommended for Jintoro in this team is Reflex + Cruel. Reflex has a chance to lower ability cooldowns allowing Jintoro frequently use his A3 throughout the fight but any combination of damage dealing sets like Savage, Cruel, Offense or Crit Damage will also suffice if you do not have this set.
Recommended Main Stats:
- Glove: Crit Damage
- Chest: ATK %
- Boots: Speed/ATK %
- Ring: Attack
- Amulet: Crit Damage
- Banner: Accuracy/Attack
The build showcased here only has 70% Crit Rate because he is used in a team with Kreela who provides a constant 30% Crit Rate buff.
Easy Double Maneater Team Composition and Speeds
This is an example of the Easy Double Maneater team that features Jintoro, Turvold, and Kreela as the DPS champions. The speed settings used for this team are:
- 172 Jintoro
- 170 Kreela
- 153 Turvold
- 216 Maneater
- 214 Maneater
The is a team combination that takes advantage Kreela’s increase Crit Rate buff allowing the team to be built with 70% Crit Rate. This allows everyone in this team to be built much better with the reduced stat requirement.
Jintoro provides the Decrease Defense and Weaken. Kreela provides Ally Attack and Increase Attack and Crit Rate buff for the all Attack-based team. While Turvold brings pure damage and does not need to be built with accuracy, since Jintoro provides the debuffs. Finally, the two Maneaters provide permanent Block Debuffs and Unkillable for the team to function and are built in Toxic set for added damage. This team works on UNM, NM, and on all affinities.
Standard Non-unkillable CA
Gear & Stats Build
In this team Jintoro will have to be built more defensively rather than full offense. In a team will Ally Protection and/or Increase Defense, it is recommend to have around 3k+ Defense before focusing on damage. Once you have achieve the recommended Defense level, focus on his damage. You want to aim for 100% Crit Rate, 200%+ Crit Damage, 4k+ attack, at least 220+ accuracy to land his debuffs and enough speed to match your team’s speed tune.
Lifesteal set is a must for non-unkillable teams, unless you have Leech or the Bloodthirst set. You can then pair the set with any other set like Cruel, Offense, Perception, Crit Damage or Speed that will help you achieve the recommended stats. You can mix and match Attack and Defense pieces to achieve the stats you need.
Recommended Main Stats:
- Glove: Crit Damage
- Chest: Def %/ ATK %
- Boots: Speed/ ATK % / Defense %
- Ring: Attack / Defense
- Amulet: Crit Damage
- Banner: Accuracy/Attack/Defense
The build showcased here only has 70% Crit Rate because he is used in a team with Kreela who provides a constant 30% Crit Rate buff.
Non-unkillable CA Team Composition and Speeds
This is an example of a standard non-unkillable CA team designed to make full use of Jintoro:
- Sepulcher Sentinel 252
- Kreela 229
- Skullcrusher 191
- Rhazin 175
- Jintoro 176
The is a team combination that takes advantage of Kreela’s increase Crit Rate buff allowing the team to be built with 70% Crit Rate and Increase Crit Damage to boost Jintoro’s damage. This allows everyone in this team to be built much better with the reduced stat requirement. Sepulcher provides the Decrease Atk and block debuff. We have Kreela and Sepulcher running at a 4:3 to permanently provide the Increase Crit Rate/Attack for the team, and always block the stun. Skullcrusher for team Counterattack buff and Ally Protection. Rhazin and Jintoro provides the DPS and redundant Decrease Def and Weaken.
We have all the necessary buffs and debuffs needed for a solid CB team. As with all Standard CA teams, this team does not work on Spirit due to the slow speed debuff. However, this team can be affinity friendly if you replace Rhazin with a Buff extender like Godseeker Aniri or Sandlashed Survivor. If you make them use their buff extension ability after the stun, they will extend the block debuff to also block the affinity debuff. However, while it may block the Decrease Speed Debuff, Sepulcher is still weak affinity to Spirit, so she will weak hit a lot and may miss the crucial Atk Down causing the run to wipe.
Dungeon Runs Build Guide for Jintoro
Apart from Clan Boss, Jintoro can also be used in several Doom Tower bosses and Dungeons that rely on TM control. Here is where we can fully utilize his A2’s ability to steal TM to it’s fullest. The next two pages will showcase Jintoro against the Hard Doom Tower Bosses, Dark Fae 120, Scarab King 100, and Spider 25.
Masteries on Jintoro for this content will be the same as his Clan Boss Masteries. We will take the Offense and Defense tree. In the Offense tree, take Crit Rate, Crit Damage and all the damage increasing masteries on the left down to Warmaster. In the Defense Tree, take the Damage mitigation masteries in Tough Skin, Blastproof, Delayed Death, into both T5 counter attack masteries in Retribution and Deterrence.
Gear & Stats Build
A Dungeon/Doom Tower Jintoro build will be slightly different from CB. Firstly, his main role will be TM control not to deal damage so, the priority stats on him will be speed and accuracy. We want him to have around 220+ speed with at least 330+ accuracy for Hard Doom Tower Bosses. Then, we can build him with Crit Rate, Crit Damage, and Atk.
Relentless set is incredible on him to cycle through his cooldowns faster. If you don’t have Relentless set, any stat increasing sets will do such as Perception, Speed, Accuracy, etc. As for accessories, Refresh is great on him and Bloodshield very important on him for the Scarab King. It doesn’t matter what stats the Bloodshield accessories are, just use one of them for the shield effect.
Recommended Main Stats
- Glove: Crit Rate/Crit Damage
- Chest: ATK %/Accuracy
- Boots: Speed
- Ring: Attack
- Amulet: Crit Damage
- Banner: Accuracy
Spider 25
Since Spider Dungeon 21+ can no longer be bursted down by Max HP Nukers, TM control has become ever more important. Although TM effects are also halved, Jintoro still has the lowest CD TM depletion in the game (It’s a 3 turn cd 100% TM Steal ability, so it’s essentially a 2.5 turn CD on Dungeons 21+). When coupled with other TM control champions such as CH, the Spider Boss will never be able to take a turn. Besides that, Jintoro also places Dec Def and Weaken which are valuable to deal extra DPS.
Team Build
This is an example of such team. We have:
- Jintoro provides the utility mentioned above and provides 2 of the 3 debuffs needed to meet the Elder Skarg’s AOE HP Burn requirement.
- Coldheart for ther TM control and damage through Heartseeker.
- Coldheart for ther TM control and damage through Heartseeker.
- Psylar for her AOE TM control and Dec Speed debuff and in a stun set for added CC. Also provides 1 of the 3 debuffs to meet Elder Skarg’s AOE HP Burn requirement.
- Elder Skarg provides AOE Fear for CC and AOE HP Burn as the main damage source for Spider 21+ content.
Dark Fae 120
The Hard Dark Fae boss is not a very difficult boss to take down if you fully manual the fight but it gets quite tricky to run a team that can run full auto against this boss. Jintoro can be used along side Alure in a TM decreasing strategy with his lowest CD 100% TM steal. He also offers Dec Def/Weaken and can occasionally kill of your copies with his A1 and take an extra turn.
This team’s strategy is having an AOE TM Dec champ go first and use it as we start the fight against the Boss and copied champs. The TM Dec allows our other champion to take their turn and clear the copied champions.
Team Build
The champions used for this strategy are as follow:
- Deacon Armstrong: He will be the champion that goes first and Dec TM. Deacon is unique in that his skill is essentially on a 2 turn CD. If planned and tuned well. He should be able to use his skill at the start of the Dark Fae battle most of the time. This skill also increases your allies’ TM further allowing them to take their turn before the enemy. He also places AOE Decrease Def against the waves and boss.
- Ma’shalled: Provides Inc Speed buffs to allies, offer some CC through his AOE True Fear against the waves and the copied champions. Places Leech allowing your allies to heal.
- Ninja: Main DPS, he is able to AOE Freeze but it’s not the core strategy, so it should not be depended on.
- Alure is the core to the strategy to constantly decrease the Boss’ TM. She cannot prevent the boss from taking a turn but she does limit the amount of turns the Boss takes.
- Elder Skarg provides AOE Fear for CC and AOE HP Burn as the main damage source for Spider 21+ content.
Hard Scarab King 100 (Spirit)
The Scarab King can be a tricky boss overcome due to the many requirements needed to overcome his abilities. Fortunately, we can mitigate some of them if we prevent him from ever taking a turn. The TM decreasing strategy will be the best for this. Once again, Jintoro can be used along side Alure in a TM decreasing strategy with his lowest CD 100% TM steal. He also offers Dec Def/Weaken to increase the team’s damage.
Team Build
This is an example of a team that showcases Jintoro in this strategy described above. Apart from Jintoro, we have;
- Coldheart with her trade mark Heartseeker to fully deplete TM, deal massive and and is in Destroy set to reduce Max HP.
- Stag Knight places Dec Def and Dec Speed against the waves and the boss.
- Fenax as the main DPS and is geared in Destroy set to reduce Max HP.
- Alure core to the strategy in constantly decreasing the boss’ TM.
Note that this team does not have a shield provider as all the champs in this team have the Bloodshield accessory equipped. If you do not have this accessory on ALL champions in your team, you will need a champion that provides a Shield buff throughout the fight. In that case, unfortunately Jintoro cannot be used since he steals TM. He will go out of tune and eventually his Shield buff will fall off when he attacks and can ruin the run.