Zavia is a legendary force champion from the dark elves faction in Raid Shadow Legends. She is an endgame champion who is capable of dealing high levels of damage, making for fast and efficient dungeon raids. Her A3 ability is one of her best, which attacks all enemies and blows up all poisons at once for huge levels of damage. This is one of the factors that makes her so good for speedrunning dungeons on end game accounts. In well optimised teams you will find her paired with champions such as Tomb Lord, Richoff the Bold and Taurus.
Zavia Stats Overview

- Faction: Dark Elves
- Type: Attack
- Affinity: Force
- Rarity: Legendary
- HP: 18660
- Attack: 1586
- Defense: 749
- Critical Rate: 15
- Critical Damage: 63
- Speed: 105
- Resistance: 30
- Accuracy: 10
- Aura: Increase Ally ATK in by 33
- Books to Max Skills: 10
Zavia Skills Overview

A1: Transfix
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Each hit has a 40% chance of placing a 5% [Poison] debuff for 2 turns.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +5%
- Level 3: Damage +5%
- Level 4: Damage +10%

A2: Poison Rain
Attacks all enemies 2 times. Each hit has a 50% chance of placing a 5% [Poison] debuff for 2 turns.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +10%
- Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
- Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
- Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%

A3: Deadly Catalyst
Attacks all enemies. Enemies killed by this skill cannot be revived. Deals damage from all [Poison] debuffs on the target instantly. [Poison] debuffs will only deal half of the standard damage when this Skill hits Bosses.
Upgrades as follows:
- Level 2: Damage +5%
- Level 3: Damage +5%
- Level 4: Damage +10%
A4: Calamitous Partner
Attacks 1 enemy. Applies a [Debuff Spread] effect, taking 4 random debuffs from the target and placing them on all enemies. [Only available when Belanor is on the same team.]
Upgrades as follows:
- No books needed.
Zavia Late Game+ Guide
Zavia is a Force affinity Legendary champion that is well known for specific dungeon speed run teams due to her ability to detonate poisons and nuke waves and bosses in seconds.
Even without the specific champions needed for speed runs, she is still perfectly usable in normal teams as a damage dealer. She has 2 AOE abilities that can clear waves. She can place her own poisons and detonate them for burst damage against the boss. Zavia is also a great Arena Nuker with her 2 AOEs, and a DPS option for the Doom Tower Magma Dragon. This guide will feature Zavia in Dungeon speed run teams as well as regular dungeon teams, Arena, FW, and the Magma Dragon. Clan Boss build can be found on the previous page.
Masteries on Zavia vary depending on where you use her and she is quite flexible.
This Zavia in this build is mainly used for dungeon content so, the Offense and Support trees are chosen. For the Offence tree, the T6 Giant Slayer is the pick because she has lots of multi-hit abilities. Standard Crit Rate, Crit Damage and damage dealing masteries are picked as well. In the Support tree the Accuracy masteries, Lore of Steel for Stats, Evil Eye to decrease TM, Sniper for added chance to place Poison are chosen along with Master Hexer to extend the Poison debuffs.
Arcane Celerity is great for dungeon content as she places lots of debuffs and can gain a lot of TM when they expire. However, if you plan to permanently use Zavia in CB, Arcane Celerity is to be avoided as it can mess with your Clan Boss speed tune (Unkillable and Counterattack comps). In fact, it is suggested to avoid the support tree entirely and pick the Defense secondary tree instead for NM and UNM cb. Zavia has very low base defense and the damage mitigation provided in the Defense tree helps her survive longer in the Clan Boss.
If you plan to permanently use Zavia in the Arena, Helmsmasher is advised instead for Giant Slayer for T6 as it provides the best first hit DPS. Block revive on her nuke pairs well with this mastery.

Gear & Stats Build
The gear and stats on Zavia will highly depend on how and where you want to use her. For a regular dungeon team, you want to build her with 100% Crit Rate, around 220-250 Accuracy and as much Attack, Crit Damage as possible with enough speed.
She needs to take a turn after you AOE Defense Down champion, ideally tuned to about 200, or after the champion that places poisons and before your reset champion for combo speed run teams. Gear sets are not important at all for dungeon team. Any combination of sets can work as long as you have the stats.
For Arena, a combination of Savage and Cruel is ideal. 100% Crit Rate, as high Attack and Crit Damage as possible with enough speed to match your arena team. She should be tuned to go after your Def Down champion. Accuracy is not important since Poison is not a big factor in Arena and Block Revive does not require accuracy. For Doom Tower, follow the same build for dungeon but a minimum accuracy of 330 required Hard DT Bosses.
Recommended Main Stats
- Glove: Crit Rate / Crit Damage
- Chest: ATK %
- Boots: Speed
- Ring: Attack
- Amulet: Crit Damage
- Banner: Accuracy
The build shown below is primarily used for Dungeon and Doom Tower content. Her accuracy did not meet the 330 requirement because the team used for DT has an accuracy aura to make up for it.

Dungeon Run Setups
Dragon 20
For Dragon, you can use Zavia in a Speed run type of team or a regular team.
Speed Run Builds
For a speed run teams, the core champions typically used are Zavia, Taurus and a skill reset champion (Renegade or Prince Kymar). The other 2 champions are flexible. You can use TM booster, more damage dealers like Royal Guard or Coldheart, or even another poisoner like Taurus, Kael or Frozen Banshee for the boss. Decrease Defense is not necessary as Poison Explosion is not affected by Defense but can help damage dealers like Royal Guard or Coldheart if you have them in your team.
Regular Builds
In a regular Dragon 20 team, Zavia will function as your main Damage dealer. You then build your team with support/healers like Gorgobrab, Apothecarry, and Scyl and an AOE Decrease Defense champion like Zargala, or Tayrel.
The team below is an example of a standard team with Zavia, Scyl, Gorgorab, Zargala and Apothecary that is slower but reliable and easy to build and replicate.

Fire Knight
For Fire Knight, you can use Zavia in a Speed run type of team or a regular team.
Speed Run Builds
For a speed run teams, the core champions typically used are Zavia, Taurus, a skill reset champion (Renegade or Prince Kymar). It is highly suggested to use Alure for the 4th spot to help with breaking the shield and keeping TM down. The 5th spot is flexible and you can use anyone that will help with your strategy like a TM Booster, Poisoner, someone who can keep the TM down like Armiger, or the best FK champion, Coldheart who helps break shield, deal MAX HP damage, and deplete TM. Decrease Defense is not necessary as Poison Explosion is not affected by Defense.
Regular Builds
In a regular Fire Knight 20 team, Zavia will function as your main Damage dealer. She has a distinct advantage in breaking the shield with a 3-hit A1. You then build an appropriate Fire Knight team that should include supports/healers like Gorgobrab, Apothecarry, or Scyl, an AOE Decrease Defense champion like Zargala, or Stag Knight and TM controllers like Alure or Armiger.
The team showcased below is an example of a Fire Knight team with Zavia, Scyl, Alure, Stag Knight and Armiger.