The Forestry outfit is a cosmetic upgrade to the Lumberjack Outfit. The upgrade is purely cosmetic and does not provide any additional benefits to the player. So, a total of 2.5% woodcutting experience boost will be applied if the full set is worn. Individual pieces have an xp boost ranging from 0.2 – 0.8%.

How to obtain the Forestry Outfit in OSRS?
The Forestry Outfit is obtained by collecting anima-infused bark from forestry random events. If you want to learn more about this, check out our Forestry guide.
For each outfit piece the player will need 1,250 anima-infused bark and 60 (noted) of each of the following logs; oak, willow, teak, maple, mahogany, arctic pine, yew, magic and redwood.
Is the Outfit worth getting?
The outfit provides no functional use or benefit. Therefore, its technically not worth getting. However, it is very easy and passive to obtain the requirements to upgrade the set. So, it can be done without taking up much of your time or money.