Steel Dragons are the fourth strongest of the six metallic Dragons in OSRS. Like most dragons they have a very rare chance of dropping the draconic visage, an iconic item in Oldschool. Players who have completed the Karamja Elite diary will receive noted steel bars when killing Steel Dragons in the Brimhaven Dungeon.
In this OSRS Steel Dragons guide, we will take look at some of the most efficient strategies to kill this monster.
Where to kill Steel Dragons in OSRS?
There are currently only two locations to kill Steel Dragons. The first is the Brimhaven Dungeon, with two areas. One area is specifically for players assigned a Steel Dragon task and has 9 Steel Dragon spawns. The other area does not require a task and has 4 spawns. Additionally, the Catacombs of Kourend has 2 Steel Dragons. These are slightly more powerful with a combat level of 274, in contrast to the level 246 Dragons in the Brimhaven Dungeon.
Steel Dragons Gear Setup
Finding the most efficient gear to use when killing Steel Dragons in OSRS can be very important. Helping to increase your kills per hour and reduce supply costs. All three combat styles can be used here, a range of example setups for each can be seen below, based on different budgets.
Melee Gear Setup Examples
Max Melee

Mid-tier Melee

Budget Melee

Magic Gear Setup Examples
Max Magic

Mid-tier Melee

Budget Magic

Range Gear Setup Examples
Max Range

Mid-tier Range

Budget Range

Steel Dragon Guide FAQs
Below is some of the most frequently asked questions by players reading this strategy guide and looking to kill Steel Dragons for the first time.
What are Steel Dragons weak to?
Steel Dragons are weak to magic attacks and dragon hunter weapons. This makes all three of the combat styles viable, as seen in the setups above. But, if you’re on a budget and don’t have a dragon hunter weapon, then magic will be most effective.
Are Steel Dragons good money?
Killing Steel Dragons will be profitable with their bones and alchable drops. However, the profit will not be a significant amount to ever make them worthwhile. Especially with the wealth of money makers available to players today.
How do you safe spot a Steel Dragon?
A Steel Dragons magic dragonfire attack can not be safe-spotted against. However, they do also attack with melee, which can be negated by standing outside of it’s melee range. As the dragon will not make any attempts to move towards the player to use its melee attack.