Brutal Blue Dragons are a stronger version of the Blue Dragon. They do not require any slayer level to damage them, but, they can be killed as an alternative to Blue Dragons when assigned a Blue Dragon slayer task. Like all brutals, they will attack with both magic and melee. They will only melee if you are in melee range, so the idea setup is to use range weapons from a distance. Paired with protect from magic and an antifire potion it will negate all damage.
In this OSRS Brutal Blue Dragons guide, we will take look at some of the most efficient strategies to kill this monster.
Where to kill Brutal Blue Dragons in OSRS?
The Brutal Blue Dragons can be found in the north-west area of the Catacombs of Kourend. This is conveniently the same location for all brutal dragons, and the only place they can currently be found in the game.
To get to the Catacombs you can use the Xeric’s Talisman to travel to Xeric’s Heart. Alternatively, you can use the Kourend Castle teleport or use your own or someone else’s Portal Nexus.
Brutal Blue Dragons Gear Setup
Finding the most efficient gear to use when killing Brutal Blue Dragons in OSRS can be very important. Helping to increase your kills per hour and reduce supply costs. Range and Melee are the most effective combat styles, example setups based on a variety of budgets can be seen below.
Range Gear Setup Examples
Max Range

Mid-tier Range

Budget Range

Melee Gear Setup Examples
Max Melee

Mid-tier Melee

Budget Melee

Brutal Blue Dragon Guide FAQs
Below is some of the most frequently asked questions by players reading this strategy guide and looking to kill Brutal Blue Dragons for the first time.
What is the best method for killing brutal blue dragons?
The best method is to use your strongest ranged gear setup and stand at a distance (out of melee range). Use an antifire potion and protect from magic to negate all damage. Then boost your ranging level with a potion and use your best offensive prayer, rigour or eagle eye.
Brutal Blue Dragon melee guide
While not advised, melee can definitely be used to good affect. You will still want to pray protect from magic as it is the stronger attack. You will therefore, need to tank its melee hits so bring some food. Alternatively, you can flinch the dragon to reduce its chance of meleeing you, but this involves an unnecessary level of effort.
Are Brutal Blue Drags worth killing?
Yes, as they can provide some moderate levels of profit. Each kill is worth approximately 12,000 coins. However, there is definitely better options out there, the brutal black dragons provide around 25,000 coins per kill, which works out significantly more per hour. Moreover, they are not very good for slayer training, as they are slow to kill and only one can be attacked at once, without a cannon.