This post represents the Free-to-play version of our original OSRS Mining Guide. All of the methods found in this guide can be used for training mining in free-to-play worlds.
Fastest F2P Mining Training
Below you will see the methods used to gain the fastest experience and 1-99 mining in f2p.
Doric’s Quest: levels 1-10
Players who complete Doric’s Quest will be rewarded 1,300 mining experience. The quest can be completed in as fast as 1 minute, so it’s highly recommended. Allowing you to skip some of the early levels of mining training in f2p.
Be sure to check out our Doric’s Quest guide, if you want to use this method.

Copper & Tin Ore: levels 1-15
Mining copper and tin ores will provide 15 mining experience per ore. It will not take too long to reach level 15, especially not if you are starting at level 10, thanks to Doric’s Quest. The best places to mine copper and tin is the Varrock south-east mine, the east Lumbridge swamp mine and the northern Dwarven Mines.
Iron Ore: levels 15-99
For free-to-play mining training, iron ore power-mining will be the fastest experience to level 99. Each ore will provide 35 mining experience. At level 41 mining, with a rune pickaxe it is possible to get around 50,000 f2p mining xp per hour using this method.
The best place to power mine iron ore is in the Al-Kharid mine. As it is the only location that has three iron ores that surround one tile. Making it possible for players to always have a rock to mine , without needing to move position.
To go from level 15 to 99 players will need to mine a total of 372,344 iron ores.
Alternative F2p Mining Training
Below are some alternative training methods for f2p players. They may not be the quickest, but provide some alternative benefits, usually relating to profitability.
Adamantite Ore: levels 70-85
Mining Adamantite Ores is a good mid-tier money maker for free to play. Each ore gives 95 experience when mined. Players can find two of them in the Mining Guild. Although, its better to hop worlds than wait for them to respawn, as it can take a while.
Runite Ore: levels 85-99
Mining Runite Ore provides one of the best money makers in f2p worlds. However, it can be very dangerous, as in free-to-play, the only rune rocks are located in the deep wilderness. The experience is extremely slow at only between 6,000-10,000 mining xp/hr. However, players can profit upwards of 500k gold per hour, if uninterrupted.
Pickaxes are a requirement for mining, they come in different tiers, ranging from bronze to rune. Always use the best tier you have available, as the higher the tier, the less time it takes between rolls to mine an ore. The attack level is only a requirement for equipping the pickaxe, not for using it to mine ore. However, equipping it can be beneficial as it saves one inventory spot.