Rock Slugs are a type of low level slayer monster in osrs. They require at least level 20 slayer or higher to damage them. Additionally, to finish rock slugs off when they are below 5 hitpoints, you will need to use a bag of salt on them. This is similar to the smash effect at Gargoyles. Similarly, you can also unlock the ability to automatically salt rock slugs below 5 hp from any slayer master for 80 points.
Rock Slugs can be assigned by most of the mid-tier slayer masters such as Mazchna, Vannaka and Chaeldar.
Where to kill Rock Slugs in OSRS?
Rock Slugs can be found and killed in a few locations such as the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Lumbridge Swamp Caves and the Dorgesh-Kaan south Dungeon.
It is not advised to use the Dorgesh-Kaan dungeon, as there is only 1 Rock Slug spawn. The Fremennik Slayer Dungeon has the most spawns (7) and is easily accessible with the Fairy Ring code A-J-R.
Rock Slug Gear Setup
Finding the most optimal gear to use when killing Rock Slugs in OSRS is important. If you are a high-level player then it is recommended to use a ranged setup with the Blowpipe. This will allow you to rapidly kill them and complete your task fast, example setups based on budget can be seen below.
Ranged Gear Setups
Max Ranged
Mid-tier Ranged
Budget Ranged
Rock Slug FAQs
Below is some of the most frequently asked questions by players in osrs looking to kill Rock Slugs for the first time.
Using the Brine Sabre at Rock Slugs
If you have a brine sabre it will automatically salt the Rock Slugs when necessary. So, if you are a low level account with a limited budget this may be a good weapon to use. If you have access to more powerful weapons though then it is better to just use bags of salt.
Best place to kill Rock Slugs?
The Fremennik Slayer Dungeon is the best place to kill rock slugs, due to its having the highest number of spawns. However, the Lumbridge Swamp Caves is a close second best and this area also allows a cannon, unlike the Fremennik Dungeon.