A Banshee is a type of low-level slayer monster in osrs. To damage Banshees players will need at least level 15 slayer or higher. These monsters can be assigned by all of the low to mid level slayer masters, such as Turael, Spria, Mazchna, Vannaka and Chaeldar.
Where to kill Banshee in OSRS?
Players can kill Banshees in the Slayer Tower, on the ground floor. This is currently the only location in the game where players will be able to kill Banshee. The fastest methods to reach the area include:
- Slayer ring to Slayer Tower entrance.
- Kharyll teleport and run north-west.
- Ectophial teleport and run west.
Banshee Gear Setup
Finding the most optimal gear to use when killing Banshee in OSRS is important. If you are a high-level player then it is recommended to use a ranged setup with the Blowpipe. This will allow you to rapidly kill them and complete your task fast, example setups based on budget can be seen below.
Max Ranged
Mid-tier Ranged
Budget Ranged
Banshee FAQs
Below is some of the most frequently asked questions by players in osrs looking to kill Banshee for the first time.
Does the effects of the Salve Amulet work?
Yes, the salve amulet will work when killing Banshee. However, it will not stack with the effects of a slayer helmet. It is only recommended to kill Banshee if you’re on a slayer task so the salve amulet is not really important here.
What is a Twisted Banshee and where to find it?
The Twisted Banshee is a stronger variant of the regular Banshee. The Twisted variants can be found exclussively in the Catacombs of Kourend. These are generally not worth killing unless you are passively hunting dark totem pieces for Skotizo while training slayer.
What if I don’t wear my slayer helmet or earmuffs?
When killing Banshees, players must wear either earmuffs or a slayer helmet. This protects against the banshees screams, which would usually result in the player taking 6 damage and significantly reducing your combat stats and agility levels.