Turael is the lowest level slayer master in OSRS. While he can be used for general slayer training at these lower levels, that is usually not his most common use. As many high-level and end game players will use Turael as a means of skipping unwanted high-level slayer tasks, or as a way of stacking up slayer points.
Benefits & Uses of Turael Skipping
As previously noted there are two key reasons why players will use the “Turael Skipping” method. These are as follows:
- Hunting a more favourable slayer task: Players will go to a high-level slayer master such as Duradel, Nieve or Konar, looking for a specific task or type of task. If they are to receive a task that is undesirable, then they will ask for an easier one from Turael, complete that then try their luck at getting a new task from another high-level slayer master. This process is repeated until the desired task is obtained. It is important to note that using this method will reset your current slayer task streak.
- Boosting slayer points: Players will complete 9 tasks in a row using Turael, then on their 10th task they will return to a high-level slayer master, either Duradel or Konar. As the player will now be completing their tenth task with the high-level master, they will receive the slayer points multiplier. This results in a large amount of slayer points per hour, although, it is still not more efficient than doing wilderness slayer for points.
Gear Setup for Turael Skipping in OSRS

Monster Locations
Below you can find the best locations to fight monsters you may be assigned while doing Turael Slayer. You will also find information on how to get to the location and which teleports or transportation methods you will need.
To get to Banshees in OSRS, use a Slayer Ring teleport to the Morytania Slayer Tower.

Bats are located West of Paterdomus Temple, East of Lumber Yard. Use a Digsite or Lumberyard teleport.

Bears are located east of Ardougne, to get here use a quest cape teleport or the fairy ring B-L-R.

Birds are located at the Champions’ Guild, use a Chronicle Book teleport or Champions’ Guild teleport.

Cave Bugs are located Dorgeshuun dungeon, use the Fairy Ring code A-J-Q and run north then west. A light source is required.

Cave Crawlers are located in Rellekka Slayer Dungeon, use a slayer ring teleport to Rellekka Slayer Caves.

Cave Slimes are located in the Dorgeshuun dungeon, use the Fairy Ring code A-J-Q and run north then west. A light source is required.

Cows are located just north-east of the lumbridge castle, use a lumbridge teleport and run north-east to get there.

Crawling Hands can be found in the Slayer Tower, use a slayer ring to teleport to the entrance.

Dogs are located east of Sophanem, use a Pharaoh’s Sceptre teleport to Jaleustrophos.

Dwarves are located under white wolf mountain, use a Taverley teleport or Burnthorpe teleport then run to the entrance which is down the stairs on the east side of the mountain.

Goblins can be found on the south-east side of Draynor Manor, use a Draynor Manor teleport or lumbridge teleport to get near the area.

Ghosts can be found in the Zeah Catacombs, use a kourend teleport on the standard spellbook or with a Xeric’s Talisman.

Icefiends can be found on the Ice Mountain, use a Lassar teleport tab or teleport to the edgeville monastery and run west.

Kalphites can be found just outside the shantay pass exit, use a Desert Amulet 4 to reach the Kalphite Cave or a glory teleport to Al-Kharid and run through the shantay pass.

Lizards can be found in the Al-Kharid Desert, east of the river. Use a fairy ring with code D-L-Q to reach the area, remember to bring Ice Coolers.

Minotaurs can be found on the first floor of the stronghold of security, use a skull sceptre teleport to the stronghold entrance. Alternatively, you can run west from varrock.

Monkeys can be found under Ape Atoll, use a Gnome Glider to Ookookolly Undri and run south then down the trapdoor.

Rats can be found under varrock, in the sewers, use a varrock teleport and run north east to the sewer entrance. The entrance is down a ladder placed to the east side of the castle wall, east of the tree patch.

Scorpions can be found in the Al-Kharid mine, use a duel arena teleport then run north.

Skeletons can be found in the dungeon below Digsite, use a digsite teleport or digsite pendant and climb down the Winch in the center. A rope will be needed to operate the winch every time.

Sourhogs can be found east of Draynor Manor, use a Draynor Manor or Draynor Village teleport and run east to the caves entrance.

Spiders can be found between Lumbridge and Draynor, just outside of the H.A.M. Hideout. Use a Draynor or Lumbridge teleport and run to the area.

Wolves can be found on the White Wolf Mountain, use a Gnome Glider to get to the location, or teleport to Catherby and run north-east.

Zombies can be found west of the Ecto Altar, use an Ectophial to the Ectofunctus then run west. The player can the chickens and cows, as both count towards the Zombie task.