In OSRS there are three main types of melee weapons players uses, these are slash weapons, stab weapons and crush weapons. Generally, a specific melee weapon will provide significantly higher bonuses in one respective style. For example, the Osmumten’s Fang has some of the highest stab bonuses of any weapon. Knowing the importance of different styles is important to help you decide on the correct melee gear progression in OSRS.
What are the Best Crush Weapons in OSRS?
- Inquisitor’s Mace
- Abyssal Bludgeon
- Elder Maul
- Dragon Warhammer
- Ursine Chainmace
1. Inquisitor’s Mace
The Inquisitor’s Mace is the strongest one-handed crush weapon in the game. It requires a minimum of level 80 attack to equip and is best paired with the avernic defender to get the maximum damage output. The weapon also has +2 prayer bonus, which makes is unique when compared to alternative best in slot one-handed weapons such as the Rapier and Blade.
How to get the Mace?
Players can obtain a mace by killing the Nightmare or Phosani’s Nightmare to receive it as a unique reward. Alternatively, it can be bought on the Grand Exchange or from another player.
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2. Abyssal Bludgeon
The Abyssal Bludgeon is a powerful crush weapon that requires a minimum of level 70 attack and strength to equip this two-handed weapon. The Bludgeon only has aggressive attack styles, meaning it can only be used to train strength. Making it one of the best strength training weapons in the game.
How to get the Bludgeon?
Players can only obtain a bludgeon from the Abyssal Sire, if not buying from another player. Collecting unsireds and trading them in to the Abyssal Nexus for a chance at receiving the three bludgeon pieces. Once a player has all three core components of the bludgeon, they can combine them to create the Abyssal Bludgeon.
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3. Elder Maul
The Elder Maul is one of the strongest two-handed crush weapons in OSRS. It requires a minimum of level 75 attack and strength to equip and attacks at a speed of 6 ticks per attack. It deals a very strong and powerful blow, as it has the highest strength bonus in the game. Although, due to its slow attack speed it limits the weapons effectiveness, in comparison to faster items such as the Mace.
How to get the Elder Maul?
The Maul can be obtained as a reward from the Chambers of Xeric. It is on the super rare drop table, along with the Twisted Bow and Kodai.
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4. Dragon Warhammer
The Dragon Warhammer requires a minimum of level 60 strength to equip, since it is a warhammer there are no attack requirements. The weapon is used predominantly for its special attack, generally it is not used as a primary weapon. Its special attack has the ability to reduce an opponents defence by 30%, making it very useful for bossing scenarios.
How to get the Dragon Warhammer?
To obtain a Dragon Warhammer players will need to receive it as a very rare drop from Lizardman Shamans. The drop rate for the hammer is currently 1/5,000 and the Shamans in the Chambers of Xeric do not drop the warhammer.
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5. Ursine Chainmace
The Ursine Chainmace is an upgraded version of the Viggora’s Chainmace. It requires a minimum of level 70 attack to equip and was designed primarily as a wilderness weapon. When charged with revenant ether, it provides a boost to melee accuracy and damage by 50% against monsters in the wilderness. However, regardless of this effect, the chainmace still has strong crush bonuses anywhere in the game.
How to get the Chainmace?
Players can combine the Viggora’s Chainmace with the Claws of Callisto to create the Ursine Chainmace. This process requires a minimum of level 85 smithing to do, although smithing boosts can be used. Alternatively, speak to Andros Mai in the Ferox Enclave with a fee of 500,000 coins and he will do the combination for you.
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