When training the hunter skill, a lot of your levelling will be done via trapping different types of animals and monsters. Every 20 levels up to level 80, you will unlock the ability to use an additional trap concurrently. Furthermore, in the wilderness you are able to place an extra trap concurrently to what you can outside of the wilderness. You can see the number of traps you can use at any one time in the table below.
OSRS Fastest Hunter Exp 1-99
Hunter is a resource gathering skill in OSRS, it can be both fast and lucrative to train, if the correct methods are selected when training. This section of the guide will showcase the fastest methods to use for training from level 1 to 99 hunter in OSRS.
Natural History Quiz: Level 1-9 Hunter
Completing the Natural History Quiz will provide a total of 1,000 hunter experience, getting you to level 9 hunter in the matter of minutes. Speak to Orlando Smith in the Basement of the Varrock Museum to start this Quiz.
Feldip Weasels: Level 7-15
Feldip Weasels are the fastest method of training hunter from level 7 to 15. They offer around 10,000 hunter experience per hour, so the levels will go very fast.
A noose wand is required to catch Feldip Weasels and they can be found in the Feldip Hunter Area, just south of Yanille and Castle Wars. Use the Fairy Code A-K-S and run south-west or a Nightmare Zone minigame teleport and run south to reach the area.
Ruby Harvests & Copper Longtails: Level 15-29
Ruby Harvests and Copper Longtails are the fastest method of training hunter from level 15 to 29. They provide experience rates of around 17,500 hunter exp per hour.
Bird Snares are required to hunt Copper Longtails, and a butterfly net and jar to catch ruby harvests. Bring these items along with a few stamina poitions. The location for this is just south of the Piscatoris teleport, or the fairy ring code A-K-Q.
Swamp Lizards: Level 29-43
Hunting Swamp Lizards offers the best experience rates between levels 29 and 43. Players should expect around 25,000 hunter experience per hour at level 29 to 37. This increases to 35,000 hunter experience per hour when three traps are used. For this reason it is recommended to bring hunter potions, as this is a viable method of boosting your hunter level to gain access to three traps early (from level 37 onwards).
A rope and small fishing net is required for each trap, weight-reducing equipment and/or stamina potions are also recommended to maintain run energy. Swamp Lizards can be found just south-east of Canifis, at the Canifis Hunter Area. To reach this area it is best to use the fairy ring A-L-Q and run south-west. Alternatively, you can teleport to Canifis directly and run through the Swamp to the hunter area.
Falconry: Levels 43-60
The Falconry hunter training method provides the fastest experience between levels 43 and 60 in OSRS. Spotted Kebbits should be caught from levels 43 to 57 for around 60,000 hunter experience per hour. Followed by Dark Kebbits from level 57-60, at which point players should expect around 75,000 hunter experience per hour.
500 coins is required to rent a Gyr Falcon at the Falconry area. The Falconry area is located on Piscatoris, accessible via the fairy code A-K-Q.
Red Salamanders: Levels 60-67
Hunting Red Salamanders offers the best experience rates between levels 60 and 67. Hourly hunter experience rates are around 80,000 to 100,000 with this method depending on intensity.
A rope and small fishing net is required for each trap. However, players should bring enough for five traps, as this allows you to instantly reset a trap before picking up a collapsed trap. Red Salamanders can be hunted outside the Ourania Altar entrance, use an Ourania teleport to reach the area fast, or run west from the Khazard Battlefield Spirit Tree.
Black Salamanders: Levels 67-73
Hunting Black Salamanders offers the best experience rates between levels 67 and 73. Average hourly hunter experience rates are around 120,000 per hour.
They can only be found in the wilderness, at the Boneyard Hunter area. The fastest means of reaching the area is with a Burning amulet teleport to the Chaos Temple and running north-east. Additionally, since this method is in the wilderness, you can use 1 additional trap to what you can use outside of the wilderness. So, with level 60 hunter you are able to place 5 traps, remember to bring enough ropes and small fishing nets.
Black Chinchompas: Levels 73-99
Hunting Black Chinchompas is currently the fastest hunter training experience per hour in OSRS. With tick manipulation techniques it is possible to get up to 280,000 hunter experience per hour without interruption. Although, more realistic rates are around 220,000 exp/hour due to the fact this method is in the wilderness, so you will face PKers from time to time.
The Black Chinchompa hunting area is in level 32-36 wilderness and can be reached easily via a PoH wilderness Obelisk to level 35 wilderness and running south-east. Alternative methods include a revenant cave teleport and run south or use the waka canoe from edgeville to the wilderness pond (57 woodcutting required).
Furthermore, when you start to train hunter with black chinchompas, you are able to make significant profit. As chichompas are always in high demand, making it possible to make anywhere between 1-2 million gold per hour in profit. Although, this will be reduced if you are killed by Pkers or have to bank excessively.
Alternative Hunter Training Methods
Understandably, not everyone wants to follow the fastest methods in this Hunter guide. You may have particular reasons for wanting to stay away from some methods. Particularly, the ones that can only be done in wilderness areas. Below, we have outlined guides for some of the best alternative hunter methods. Including profitable, low-intensity and methods that train 2 or more skills at once.
Bird House Traps: Levels 5-99
Bird House runs is a type of hunter training method that is in some ways similar to how the farming skill is trained. As players will set up a bird house trap on Fossil Island and after 50 minutes they can return to collect loot and experience.
For this method players will need access to Fossil Island. So, the Bone Voyage quest must have been completed. Additionally, there are a total of four bird house trap locations which can be used.
Each run only takes around 80-90 seconds, but you can work out the effective hourly experience rates from this. Exp rates start of at around 50k per hour for level 5, scaling all the way up to 236k per hour at level 90. From levels 5-80 this is effectively the fastest hourly experience. But, due to the fact you can only do 1 run every 50 minutes it will need to be done over a very long time.
Aerial Fishing: Levels 35-99
Aerial Fishing becomes available on the Molch Island at level 35 hunter and level 43 fishing. This is a good alternative method as it provides moderate levels of experience in both fishing and hunter. Additionally, it can be used as a method of obtaining the Anglers Outfit and other rewards from this activity.
Drift Net Fishing: Levels 44-99
Drift Net Fishing is another method that trains both fishing and hunter at an efficient rate. This is also one of the fastest fishing methods between levels 47 and 58. However, you will also need to have access to Fossil Island for this method.
The objective is to chase shoals of fish into large drift nets while in the underwater section of Fossil Island. You will therefore need some form of trident, a fishbowl helmet and diving apparatus.
At level 50 fishing and hunter expect around 81k hunter experience per hour and 64 fishing experience per hour. Scaling up to 87k fishing and 115k hunter an hour when both at level 70. A full breakdown of the hourly experience rates can be found below.
Orange Salamanders: Levels 47-59
The Orange Salamander is the only type of salamander that is not included in the list of fastest hunter methods. As falconry is technically quicker experience for these level brackets. However, falconry is also very click intensive, so players may want to opt for something more chill.
Orange salamanders are caught with a small fishing net and rope like all other salamanders. Although, they are in the desert, so remember to bring waterskins or other protection from the desert heat.
Expect between 40,000 and 50,000 hunter experience every hour with this method.
Maniacal Monkeys: Levels 60-99
Maniacal Monkeys is a hunter method that becomes available after the completion of Monkey Madness 2. In Kruk’s Dungeon players can trap the Monkeys by luring them below a large boulder.
Experience rates start out at around 60,000 hunter exp per hour. This increases to around 90,000 at higher levels. With a potential to reach as high as 120,000 experience per hour in hunter at level 99. This method is a relatively slow method of training, but is also very low effort.
Herbiboar: Levels 80-99
Herbiboar is a rather unique method of training hunter. Players must tack the Herbiboar around Fossil Island before finally finding and capturing it. Experience rates at level 80 are around 120,000 hunter experience per hour, scaling up to 150,000 at higher levels. When you hit level 99 hunter, if you wish to continue, expect hourly hunter exp rates at around 165k per hour.
Additionally, the Herbiboar will also provide a variety of herbs as loot. This can result in some decent passive profit of a few hundred thousand gp per hour. There is also a 1/6,500 chance to obtain the Herbi pet with this method. Therefore, pet hunters may want to use this method early, especially if they already have the chinchompa pet.