OSRS Lumbridge Diary Guide

The Lumbridge & Draynor diary is a set of achievement diaries in the cities of Lumbridge & Draynor. There are four tiers of achievements they are; easy, medium, hard and elite. Each give their own unique set of achievement diary rewards and each tier has a harder set of requirements to complete than the last. All rewards can be claimed from Hatius Cosaintus outside of the Lumbridge Castle.

Easy Lumbridge Diary


  • Rune Mysteries
  • Cooks Assistant
  • Any light source
  • Rope
  • Rune essence or Pure Essence
  • Water Talisman, Water Tiara or Abyss access
  • Tinderbox
  • Any axe
  • Small fishing net
  • Bread dough (multiple if low cooking incase you burn the bread)
  • Any pickaxe

Tasks to complete

  1. Run a full lap of the Draynor Rooftop Course.
  2. Kill a cave bug in the lumbridge swamp caves.
  3. Visit the Rune essence mine with a teleport from the Archmage Sedridor.
  4. Runecraft some water runes.
  5. Talk to hans and learn your age in Lumbridge.
  6. Steal from a man or woman in Lumbridge by pickpocketing.
  7. Chop some oak logs and burn them in Lumbridge.
  8. Kill any of the Zombies in the Draynor Sewers.
  9. Catch anchovies in Al-Kharid.
  10. Bake bread in the Lumbridge Castle kitchen.
  11. Mine iron ore at the mine in Al-Kharid.
  12. Visit the H.A.M. hideout.


Every time you complete a tier of any achievement diary you will be granted some rewards. For the easy Lumbridge diary tier the rewards include:

  • Explorer’s ring 1. Grants 30 low level alchemy spells per day without runes and resotres 50% run energy twice daily.
  • 2,500 experience in a chosen skill above level 30.

Medium Lumbridge Diary


  • Animal Magnetism
  • Fairytale part 2 started
  • Mith Grapple & any crossbow
  • 75 Steel arrows
  • 999 coins or an Avas attractor
  • Dramen/Lunar staff
  • Earth runes
  • Lumbridge teleport spell runes
  • Fly fishing rod
  • Feathers
  • Leather
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Any axe
  • Butterfly net
  • Impling jar
  • Earth Talisman
  • 2 pure essence
  • Fire Tiara or Talisman or Abyss access
  • Magic Imbue runes if not using the earth talisman

Tasks to complete

  1. Run a lap of the Al-Kharid agility course.
  2. Use a mith grapple to get across the River Lum.
  3. Buy an upgraded device from Ava.
  4. Use fairy rings code D-I-S to travel to the Wizards’ Tower.
  5. Use the lumbridge teleport spell.
  6. Catch some salmon in lumbridge when fly fishing.
  7. Craft a coif in the Cow pen in Lumbridge.
  8. Go to Draynor Village and chop some Willow logs.
  9. Pickpocket the Master Gardener in Draynor.
  10. Have Chaeldar assign you a slayer task.
  11. Catch an eclectic impling or essence impling in Puro-Puro.
  12. Craft lava runes at the fire altar.


Every time you complete a tier of any achievement diary you will be granted some rewards. For the medium Lumbridge diary tier the rewards include:

  • Explorer’s Ring 2. Receive a 50% run energy restore three times daily and three daily teleports to the cabbage patch.
  • 7,500 experience in a skill of your choice that is level 40 or higher.
  • Ability to use the Draynor Wall shortcut.

Hard Lumbridge Diary


  • Tears of Guthix
  • Another Slice of H.A.M.
  • Recipe for Disaster
  • 130,000 coins
  • Bones
  • 1 Cosmic, 2 Nature, 4 Water & 14 Earth runes
  • 28 pure essence
  • Cosmic tiara
  • Any axe
  • Belladonna seed
  • Seed Dibber
  • Spade
  • Rake
  • Tinderbox
  • Mining Helmet
  • Gold Bar
  • Diamond
  • Amulet mould
  • Ball of wool

Tasks to complete

  1. Cast the bones to peaches spell in Al-Kharid Palace.
  2. Squeeze through the jutting wall as you run to the cosmic altar.
  3. Craft 56 cosmic runes at once.
  4. Use a waka canoe to travel from Lumbridge to Edgeville.
  5. Leave the Tears of Guthix minigame with 100 or more tears collected.
  6. Use the train from Dorgesh-Kaan to Keldagrim.
  7. Buy a pair of Barrows Gloves.
  8. Pick a Belladonna plant from the Draynor Manor farming patch.
  9. Light your mining helmet when inside the lumbridge castle basement.
  10. Activate the smite prayer then recharge your prayer points at Emir’s Arena.
  11. Craft, string and enchant an amulet of power while in Lumbridge.


Every time you complete a tier of any achievement diary you will be granted some rewards. For the hard Lumbridge diary tier the rewards include:

  • Explorer’s ring 3. 50% run energy restored four times a day and unlimited teleports to the cabbage patch.
  • 15,000 experience in any skill that is level 50 or higher.
  • Shortcut that goes from the lumbridge swamp to the desert.
  • Tears of Guthix experience reward is increased by 10%.

Elite Lumbridge Diary


  • Quest Cape required (all quests complete)
  • Quest Points cape
  • Lockpick
  • Mith Grapple
  • Any crossbow
  • hammer
  • Water Tiara
  • 5 adamantite bars
  • 28 rune or pure essence
  • Any axe

Tasks to complete

  1. Steal from a Dorgesh-Kaan rich chest.
  2. Steal from Movario while on the Dorgesh-Kaan Agility course.
  3. Chop magic logs at the Mage Traning Arena.
  4. Smith an adamant platebody while in the Draynor Sewers.
  5. Craft 140 water runes simultaneously.
  6. Use the Quest Points cape emote while inside the Wise Old Man’s house.


Every time you complete a tier of any achievement diary you will be granted some rewards. For the elite Lumbridge diary tier the rewards include:

  • Explorers ring 4. 100% run energy replenish three times daily and 30 casts of high level alchemy without runes daily.
  • 50,000 experience in any skill level 70 or higher.
  • Items from the Culinaromancer’s Chest are now 20% cheaper.
  • Ability to use fairy rings without a dramen or lunar staff.
  • 6th slot for blocking unwanted slayer tasks.

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