The Falador diary is a set of achievement diaries in the Falador region. There are four tiers of achievements they are; easy, medium, hard and elite. Each give their own unique set of diary rewards and each tier has a harder set of requirements to complete than the last.
Easy Falador Diary
To complete the Falador easy diary you will need to meet a few basic requirements. This includes skills, items and quests completed, all of which can be found below.
- 13+ Smithing
- 10+ Mining
- 16+ Construction
- 5+ Agility
- The Knight’s Sword
- Doric’s Quest
- Bucket
- Mind Talisman
- Tiara
- Hammer
- Blurite Bar
- Any pickaxe
Tasks to complete
- Speak to Sir Renitee and find out your Family Crest.
- Use the agility shortcut on the Falador west wall.
- View Sarah’s Farming Shop.
- Speak to the Falador barber and get a new haircut.
- Fill a bucket with water from the pump north of Faladors west bank.
- Kill a duck in the Falador park.
- Create a mind tiara.
- Take a boat from Port Sarim to Entrana.
- Fix a broken strut in the Motherlode Mine minigame.
- Talk to the Security Guard in Port Sarim jail and claim a security book from him.
- Smith Blurite limbs on Doric’s Anvil north of Mudskipper point.
Every time you complete a tier of any achievement diary you will be granted some rewards. For the easy Falador diary tier the rewards include:
- Falador Shield 1 (free 25% prayer points refill once per day).
- 2,500 experience in any chosen skill that is above level 30.
- Access to the shortcut between Burnthorpe and the Chaos Temple.
Medium Falador Diary
- Skippy and the Mogres
- Recruitment Drive
- Ratcatcher (partially complete)
- Bullseye lantern
- Tinderbox
- Crystal key
- Fishing explosive
- Mithril Grapple
- Scarecrow
- Telegrab runes and Falador teleport runes
- Any crossbow
- Initiate armour
- Any axe
- Any pickaxe
- Brown apron
- 6 Willow branches
Tasks to complete
- Light a bullseye lantern in Rimmington at the Chemists house.
- Go to the Chaos Temple and telegrab a wine of zamorak.
- Use a crystal key to unlock the crystal chest in Taverley.
- Plant a scarecrow in the flower patch of the Falador farm.
- Kill one of the Mogres at Mudskipper point.
- Visit the rat pits in Port Sarim.
- Use a mithril grapple to jump over the Falador north wall.
- Steal from one of the Falador Guards.
- Equip full initiate armour and pray to the Altar of Guthix in Taverley.
- Mine a gold ore in the Crafting Guild.
- Squeeze through the crack in the Dwarven Mines wall.
- Chop and burn willow logs in taverley.
- Use the Falador farm loom to craft a basket.
- Use the falador teleport spell.
Every time you complete a tier of any achievement diary you will be granted some rewards. For the medium Falador diary tier the rewards include:
- Falador Shield 2 (free 50% prayer points refill once per day).
- 7,500 experience in any chosen skill that is above level 40.
- Gain 10% more farming experience when using the Falador patch.
- Ability to use the level 54 agility shortcut in the Motherlode mine.
- Increased drop rate of medium clue scrolls from Falador Guards.
Hard Falador Diary
- 59+ Agility
- 60+ Mining
- 53+ Cooking
- 31+ Crafting
- 45+ Farming
- 30+ Firemaking
- 70+ Prayer
- 53+ Fishing
- 52+ Herblore
- 56+ Runecrafting
- 72+ Slayer
- 58+ Thieving
- 71+ Woodcutting
- 130 Attack & Strength (combined)
- 50 Defence
- 32 Quest Points
- Heroes’ Quest
- The Slug Menace
- Grim Tales
- 10,000 gp
- Full Prospectors
- Full Proselyte
- Dwarven helmet
- 28 pure essence, rune essence or daeyalt essence
- Weaponry
- Spade
- Light source (candle, lantern, etc)
Tasks to complete
- Craft 140 mind runes at once.
- Talk to Sir Renitee and change your Family Crest to the Saradomin symbol.
- Kill the Giant Mole.
- Kill a Skeletal Wyvern.
- Run a lap of the Falador Rooftop Agility Course.
- Wear full prospector while entering the mining guild.
- Kill a blue dragon in the Heroes Guild dungeon.
- Open a wall safe in the Rogues’ Den.
- Equip full proselyte and recharge your prayer points in port sarim’s church.
- Enter the Warrior’s Guild in Burnthorpe.
- Enter the Dwarven Mines and equip a Dwarven Helmet.
Every time you complete a tier of any achievement diary you will be granted some rewards. For the hard Falador diary tier the rewards include:
- Falador Shield 3 (free 100% prayer points refill once per day). When in the Mole Lair with the shield in your inventory or equipped there will be an arrow on your mini-map highlighting the Moles current location after it digs.
- 15,000 experience in any chosen skill that is above level 50.
- Ability to use the bank chest and deposit box while in the Crafting Guild.
- The giant mole will now drop mole skins and mole claws in noted form.
- With 67 Agility you can now use the shortcut to the Fountain of Heroes in the Heroes Guild basement.
Elite Falador Diary
- 80+ Agility
- 17+ Mining
- 91+ Farming
- 81+ Herblore
- 88+ Runecrafting
- 13+ Thieving
- 75+ Woodcutting
- 32 Quest Points
- Level 99 in any skill, Quest cape or Music cape
- Wanted!
- 28 rune essence, pure essence or daeyalt essence
- 1,920 gp
- Magic sapling
- Spade
- Any axe
- Any Skill cape of Accomplishment (music/quest cape counts)
- Toadflax potion(unf)
- Crushed nest
Tasks to complete
- Craft 252 air runes at once.
- Speak to Sir Vyvin and buy a white 2h sword from him (requires a black knight kill count of 1300).
- Find 3 or more magic roots while digging up a magic tree in Falador.
- Perform a skillcape or quest/music cape emote at the top of Falador Castle.
- Cross the strange floor in Taverley Dungeon.
- Mix a saradomin brew in the east bank of Falador.
Every time you complete a tier of any achievement diary you will be granted some rewards. For the elite Falador diary tier the rewards include:
- Falador Shield 4 (free 100% prayer points refill twice per day).
- 50,000 experience in any chosen skill that is above level 70.
- Falador tree patch will never get diseased.
- More likely to receive higher level ores when cleaning pay-dirt in the Motherlode mine.
- Alternative Amethyst ore mining location unlocked.