OSRS Fremennik Diary Guide

The Fremennik diary is a set of achievement diaries in the Fremennik region. There are four tiers of achievements they are; easy, medium, hard and elite. Each give their own unique set of rewards and each tier has a harder set of requirements to complete than the last.

Fremennik Easy Diary


  • Fremennik Trials
  • Troll Stronghold (partial completion)
  • The Giant Dwarf (partial completion)
  • Any pickaxe
  • Any axe
  • Tinderbox
  • Bucket
  • Climbing boots
  • Weaponry
  • Bird snare
  • Tiara mould
  • 500 coins
  • 1000 coins or a Waterbirth teleport tablet

Tasks to complete

  1. Catch a cerulean twitch in the Rellekka hunter area.
  2. Change your characters boots at Yrsa’s Shoe Store.
  3. Kill 5 rock crabs.
  4. Craft a tiara in Rellekka from scratch. (Visit Rellekka mine for the silver ore and use it in the furnace to the west).
  5. Trade Stonemason in west Keldagrim.
  6. Collect at least 5 snape grass on the Waterbirth Island
  7. Steal from a baker’s stall or crafting stall in Keldagrims main building.
  8. Collect a bucket of water from the well at the entrance of Rellekka.
  9. Visit the Troll Stronghold
  10. Chop and burn some oak logs anywhere in the Fremennik region.


Each successfully completed diary tier will grant you a range of different rewards. The rewards for completing the Fremennik easy diary include:

  • Fremennik sea boots 1 – granting one teleport to Rellekka daily.
  • 2,500 experience in a chosen skill over level 30.
  • Fossegrimen will provide an additional charge to your enchanted lyre when making a sacrifice.
  • Peer the Seer can be used as a ban deposit box.

Fremennik Medium Diary


  • Eagles’ Peak
  • Horror from the Deep
  • Started Olaf’s Quest
  • Partial completion of Between a Rock…
  • Gold Helmet
  • Rune Thrownaxe
  • Combat Gear
  • Spade
  • Rope
  • Any Pixkaxe
  • Dramen/Lunar Staff
  • Butterfly net & jar
  • Pet Rock
  • 30,000 coins (unless you already have a menagerie room)
  • 4 oak planks, saw and hammer

Tasks to complete

  1. Kill a Brine Rat.
  2. Visit the Snowy Hunter Area via the Eagle Transportation method.
  3. Mine coal in the Rellekka region.
  4. Steal from the fish stalls in Rellekka market.
  5. Use the fairy ring C-I-P to visit Miscellania.
  6. Catch a Snowy Knight in the Rellekka Hunter area.
  7. Pick up your pet rock from your Menagerie.
  8. Visit the Lighthouse from Waterbirth Island.
  9. Visit the Arzinian Mine and mine some gold ore.


Every time you complete a tier of any achievement diary you will be granted some rewards. For the medium Fremennik diary tier the rewards include:

  • Fremennik sea boots 2
  • 7,500 experience in a chosen skill over level 40.
  • Faster rate of approval in Miscellania.
  • Shortcut access between Etceteria and Miscellania dock.

Fremennik Hard Diary


  • The Fremennik Isles
  • Throne of Miscellania
  • Eadgar’s Ruse
  • Lunar Diplomacy
  • Started the Giant Dwarf
  • Bronze Nails
  • Rope
  • Teasing Stick
  • Knife
  • Any pickaxe
  • Hammer
  • Vial of water
  • Cadantine
  • White Berries
  • 2 fire runes, 3 law runes, 2 astral runes and 1 water rune
  • optional; axe, harpoon, rake and/or lobster pot.

Tasks to complete

  1. Use the Trollheim teleport spell.
  2. Catch a Sabre-toothed Kyatt in the Rellekka hunter area.
  3. Mix a super defence potion in Rellekka.
  4. Steal from a Gem Stall in the city of Keldagrim.
  5. Make a Fremennik Shield on Neitiznot.
  6. Mine 5 adamantite ores on Jatizso.
  7. Obtain 100% support on Miscellania.
  8. Use the Waterbirth Island teleport spell.
  9. Obtain the permission to use the Blast Furnace for free.


Every time you complete a tier of any achievement diary you will be granted some rewards. For the hard Fremennik diary tier the rewards include:

  • Fremennik sea boots 3
  • 15,000 experience in a chosen skill over level 50.
  • Aviansies now drop noted adamantite bars in the God Wars Dungeon.
  • Enchanted lyre teleport can now be changed to Waterbirth Island.
  • Shortcut to the roof of Troll Stronghold now unlocked with 73 Agility and completion of My Arms Big Adventure.
  • Change the Stony Basalt teleport destination to Troll Stronghold rooftop with 73 agility.
  • 2 new spells unlocked on the Lunar Spellbook – Tan leather and Recharge Dragonstone.

Fremennik Elite Diary


  • Fremennik Isles
  • Troll Stronghold
  • Lunar Diplomacy
  • 28 pure essence
  • Dragonstone
  • Amulet Mould
  • Gold Bar
  • Combat equipment

Tasks to complete

  1. Kill all three of the Dagannoth Kings.
  2. Craft 56 astral runes simultaneously.
  3. Craft a Dragonstone amulet in Neitiznot.
  4. Complete a full lap of the Rellekka Rooftop Agility Course.
  5. Kill the God Wars Generals of Armadyl, Saradomin, Bandos and Zamorak.
  6. Kill a spiritual mage in the God Wars Dungeon.


Every time you complete a tier of any achievement diary you will be granted some rewards. For the elite Fremennik diary tier the rewards include:

  • Fremennik sea boots 4 – unlimited teleports to Rellekka.
  • 50,000 experience in a chosen skill over level 70.
  • Dagannoth King bones will now drop in noted form.
  • Faster approval in Miscellania.
  • Seal of passage no longer necessary to speak to NPCs on Lunar Isle.
  • Enchanted Lyre can now be used to teleport to Neitiznot and Jatizso.

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